Database Penetration Testing: Secure Your Data
2024-7-8 18:51:4 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

Today, organisations store a lot of sensitive data in their database systems. This could be customer info, financial records, intellectual property, etc. Protecting this from unauthorised access is key; database penetration testing helps achieve this by finding holes in the system.

What is Database Penetration Testing?

Database penetration testing, also known as database security testing, is a systematic process of evaluating the security of a database management system (DBMS) by simulating real-world attack scenarios. A security audit assesses an organisation’s policies to ensure compliance with established security standards such as ISO 27001.

This exercise is conducted by security consultants, penetration testers, or ethical hackers who employ various techniques to identify vulnerabilities that malicious actors could exploit to gain unauthorised access to sensitive data.

Why is database penetration testing important?

Database penetration testing offers several key benefits:

  1. Protection of your crown jewels: Database penetration testing helps uncover weaknesses in database configuration, access controls, and software attackers could exploit. This assessment and remediation exercise protects an organisation from unauthorised access.
  2. Risk Mitigation: By identifying vulnerabilities, organisations can take proactive steps to address them before attackers can leverage them, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches and other security incidents. It is crucial to assess the risk involved in database security to determine potential vulnerabilities and the level of risk within an organisation.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Many industry regulations and standards, such as GDPR, PCI DSS, DSPT, and HIPAA, require organisations to conduct regular security testing, including database penetration testing. Adhering to security standards such as ISO 27001 and BS15999 ensures that a database audit log is maintained and security policies are followed to mitigate security risks.
  4. Enhanced Security Posture: Penetration testing provides valuable insights into an organisation’s database security posture, allowing for informed decision-making regarding security investments and improvements.

Locked away, secrets stay, databases hold them at bay. Database security is one of the critical elements due to sensitive data storage.

In June 2020, the Ledger database breach exposed the personal information of approximately 272,000 customers. By late December 2020, affected individuals began receiving death-threat ransom emails demanding cryptocurrency payments. The attackers leveraged the exposed data to extort victims, threatening violence if their demands were not met.

This incident underscores the severe risks associated with data breaches and highlights the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures to protect personal information and prevent such malicious attacks.

Types of Vulnerabilities that affect database system

Several common vulnerabilities can compromise database security:

SQL Injection (SQLi)

This is a typical web application vulnerability where attackers inject malicious SQL code into user input fields. This code can then steal data, modify database content, or even take control of the database server.

Weak Authentication

Weak passwords, lack of multi-factor authentication, and reliance on default accounts are all vulnerabilities attackers can exploit to gain unauthorised access to databases.

Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks

This aims to disrupt access to a database by overwhelming it with a flood of requests. This can significantly slow down the database server’s instance, making it unavailable to legitimate users. Imagine a DoS attack preventing access to critical financial data during a crucial transaction. This could lead to delays, lost opportunities, or even economic losses.

Unpatched Software and Outdated Systems

Outdated database software and operating systems often contain known vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. Regularly patching and updating software is crucial for maintaining database security.

Overly Permissive Database Access

This happens when database users are given more permissions than they need to do their jobs. This excessive access can be misused intentionally (malicious), unintentionally (accidental), or not used at all (unused). This risk can come from current employees or even those who have left the company (former employees).

Database Links

Database links allow connections between multiple databases and can introduce additional vulnerabilities if not properly secured (in the case of remote links).

Database Error

Inadvertently revealing sensitive information through error messages can give attackers valuable clues about the database structure and content.

How to Perform Database Penetration Testing?

A comprehensive database penetration testing assessment includes several phases: pre-assessment, during, and post-assessment. Each exercise has further details down to specific environment and database type (MSSQL, Oracle, MySQL, etc.); however, typically, it includes the following phases:

Planning and Preparation

  • Define the scope of the test, including target databases and systems
  • Obtain necessary approvals from stakeholders and legal teams
  • Set up a secure test environment that mirrors the production system in such a way as to ensure accurate results
  • Establish clear testing objectives and success criteria
  • Determine the testing approach (black box, white box, or grey box)
  • Identify any testing limitations or restrictions

Information Gathering and Reconnaissance

  • Collect information about the target database system and its architecture
  • Identify the database management system (DBMS) and version in use
  • Map the network architecture and associated components (e.g., web servers, application servers)
  • Gather information on security controls, policies, and access mechanisms
  • Identify potential entry points and attack vectors
  • Use tools like Nmap to scan for open ports and services related to the database

Vulnerability Assessment

  • Employ automated vulnerability scanning tools to identify known vulnerabilities or procure vulnerability assessment services.
  • Conduct manual checks for misconfigurations and weak security settings
  • Analyse user privileges, roles, and access control mechanisms
  • Review database configuration files for security issues
  • Identify potential injection points for SQL injection and other attacks
  • Assess the strength of authentication mechanisms and password policies
  • Evaluate encryption implementations for data at rest and in transit


  • Attempt to exploit identified vulnerabilities using both manual and automated techniques.
  • Test for SQL injection vulnerabilities using tools like SQLMap and custom scripts
  • Attempt privilege escalation to gain higher levels of access
  • Try to bypass authentication mechanisms and access controls
  • Exploit any misconfigurations or weak security settings discovered
  • Test for vulnerabilities in associated applications and APIs that interact with the database
  • Attempt to gain unauthorised access to sensitive data or system resources


  • Assess the extent of access gained through successful exploits
  • Attempt to escalate privileges further within the database or connected systems
  • Identify and catalogue sensitive data that can be accessed or manipulated
  • Test data exfiltration techniques to simulate how an attacker might steal information
  • Attempt to maintain persistence within the system
  • Evaluate the potential impact of the compromised database on the broader network.

Analysis and Reporting

  • Analyse all findings from the testing process
  • Prioritise vulnerabilities based on severity, exploitability, and potential impact
  • Prepare a comprehensive report detailing:
  • Executive summary for non-technical stakeholders
  • Detailed technical findings and methodology used
  • Evidence of successful exploits (with proper sanitisation of sensitive data)
  • Clear, actionable recommendations for remediation
  • Risk assessment for each identified vulnerability
  • Develop a remediation roadmap with prioritised action items
  • Present findings to both technical teams and management stakeholders
  • Offer guidance on implementing security improvements and best practices

Remediation Support and Retesting

  • Provide assistance and clarification during the vulnerability remediation process
  • Offer guidance on implementing security improvements and best practices
  • Conduct follow-up testing to verify that identified vulnerabilities have been adequately addressed. Cyphere provides free unlimited retests for up to 12 months.
  • Perform targeted retests on specific vulnerabilities as they are remediated.
  • Update the final report to reflect the current security posture after remediation efforts.

Database Security Testing Tools

Several tools are essential for conducting effective database security testing:

  1. Nmap: A versatile network scanning and discovery tool that can help identify open database ports, services running on target systems, and potential entry points for further testing. Nmap also includes NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) scripts designed explicitly for database enumeration and vulnerability detection.
  2. Database Command-line Clients: Tools like SQL*plus, SQLcmd, MySQL, PSQL, mongo, redis-cli, and SQL are essential for interacting directly with various database systems during testing.
  3. Database GUI Clients: Software like DbVisualizer (DBvis) and Toad provide user-friendly interfaces for database interaction and can help explore database structures and execute queries during penetration testing.
  4. ODAT (Oracle Database Attacking Tool): A specialised tool for identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in Oracle database systems.
  5. PowerUpSQL: A PowerShell toolkit explicitly designed for attacking SQL Server databases, offering a range of survey, discovery, and exploitation capabilities.
  6. NoSQLMap: An automated tool for enumerating and exploiting vulnerabilities in NoSQL databases, particularly useful for testing MongoDB and CouchDB systems.
  7. Nosql-Exploitation-Framework: A comprehensive framework for scanning and exploiting various NoSQL databases.
  8. Metasploit Framework: A powerful penetration testing platform that includes modules for exploiting database vulnerabilities, conducting post-exploitation activities, and gathering information about target systems.
  9. John the Ripper: A versatile password-cracking tool that can test the strength of database user passwords and identify weak authentication mechanisms.
  10. SQLMap: An open-source tool designed specifically for detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities. It supports various database management systems and can automate identifying and exploiting SQL injection flaws.

This is not an entire list but provides the most popular penetration testing tools. From time to time, new scripts, utilities, and resources are added internally by teams into their methodologies; therefore, they always check with the provider about their approach and methodology.

Database Penetration Testing Checklist

To ensure a thorough and effective database penetration test, consider the following checklist:

  1. Identify all database instances within the scope of the test
  2. Verify database version and patch level
  3. Check for default or weak credentials
  4. Assess user privilege levels and access controls
  5. Test for SQL injection vulnerabilities
  6. Evaluate encryption of data at rest and in transit
  7. Check for misconfigured database settings
  8. Attempt privilege escalation
  9. Test backup and recovery procedures
  10. Analyse audit logging and monitoring capabilities
  11. Assess network segmentation and firewall rules
  12. Check for unnecessary open ports and services
  13. Test for vulnerabilities in associated applications and APIs
  14. Evaluate database authentication mechanisms
  15. Attempt to bypass access controls and gain unauthorised data access

Based on the flavour of the database, some steps may be skipped, or additional steps may be included due to the change.

Why Cyphere is the best database penetration testing provider?

When evaluating potential database penetration testing providers, looking beyond the technical aspects is crucial. While expertise and methodology are essential, a provider provider’s to offer comprehensive support throughout the process is equally important.

For instance, some providers, like Cyphere, provide strategic and tactical remediation support for all identified risks. This approach ensures that you’re ready to interpret a complex report but are guided through addressing vulnerabilities and strengthening your overall security posture.

Several factors should be considered when considering who your database security partner should be. These are:

Expertise and Accreditation

  • Seek providers with CREST accreditation who demonstrate high standards in penetration testing.
  • Look for teams with extensive knowledge of database security and relevant industry certifications.
  • Ensure the provider has experience testing various database management systems.

Methodology and Approach

  • Verify that the provider follows industry-standard methodologies such as OWASP and PTES.
  • Look for a comprehensive testing approach covering all aspects of database security.
  • Ensure they offer both strategic and tactical insights to improve your security posture.

Risk Remediation Support

  • Choose a provider offering detailed guidance on addressing identified vulnerabilities.
  • Seek teams that provide ongoing support throughout the remediation process.
  • Consider providers who offer retesting services to verify the effectiveness of implemented fixes.

Customisation and Flexibility

  • Opt for providers that tailor their testing approach to your specific environment.
  • Ensure they can address your unique security concerns and compliance requirements.
  • Look for the ability to adapt their methodology as your security needs evolve.

Reporting and Communication

  • Choose providers that offer clear, actionable reports with prioritised recommendations.
  • Seek effective communication throughout the testing process.
  • Ensure they can explain technical findings to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Tools and Technologies

  • Verify that the provider uses up-to-date tools and technologies for testing.
  • Consider providers that are more than point-and-click tools or automated and include manual checks and approaches for specific testing scenarios.

Compliance and Standards

  • Select a provider familiar with relevant industry standards and regulations.
  • Ensure they can help you meet compliance requirements through their testing.
  • Look for experience in your specific industry or sector.

Post-Testing Support

  • Prioritise providers that offer comprehensive post-testing support.
  • Seek teams that provide both strategic and tactical remediation guidance.
  • Avoid “report and run” services that leave you to interpret and implement fixes alone.

Track Record and References

  • Request case studies or client testimonials demonstrating successful engagements.
  • Research the provider’s rapport in the cybersecurity community.
  • Look for providers with experience in your industry or with similar-sized organisations.

Value and Pricing

  • Compare pricing structures among different providers.
  • Consider the overall value, including expertise, methodology, and ongoing support.
  • Look for providers that offer flexible engagement models to suit your needs and budget.

The best providers understand that adequate database security is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. They offer continuous support, helping you implement recommendations, verify fixes, and adapt to evolving threats. This level of engagement demonstrates a commitment to your long-term security rather than a “report and run” mentality.

Should you need to discuss your database security concerns, get in touch or schedule a penetration test here.
