Stealthly Review: Bypassing AI Detection With Humanized Content
2024-7-31 06:4:13 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

As AI detectors increasingly permeate the AI writing landscape, the need for tools that can effectively mask AI-generated content has emerged.

Stealthly positions itself as a leading solution in this domain, claiming to humanize text and evade detection by various AI algorithms. With the promise of achieving a 100% human score, it raises important questions about ethics, originality, and academic integrity.

This review will delve into the functionalities of Stealthly, examining how it employs deep learning to modify AI text for a more human-like quality. Join us as we navigate the pros and cons of using Stealthly in today’s digital writing environment.

What Is Stealthly?

Stealthly is an AI humanizer designed to transform AI-generated content into text that closely resembles human writing.

Targeting students, writers, and professionals, it leverages advanced deep learning algorithms trained on a vast dataset of over 10 million texts. This powerful technology enables Stealthly to detect and modify the mechanical characteristics typical of AI-generated content, ensuring the output is both engaging and undetectable by various AI detection systems.

With a focus on maintaining originality and compliance with academic integrity, Stealthly ensures that all humanized content is 100% plagiarism-free. The platform is user-friendly, allowing users to quickly input their text and receive a polished version in just seconds.

How Stealthly Works

Using Stealthly is a straightforward process designed to enhance your writing efficiently. Its beginner-friendly user interface and simplified workflow allow you to humanize a large chunk of text with just a few clicks. Here is how Stealthly works:

  1. Input Your Text: Start by pasting your AI-generated content into the designated input area on the Stealthly interface.

  2. Select a Mode to rewrite, and choose a Purpose for your text to be tailored to.

  3. Click "Humanize": Once you’ve made your selections, click the "Humanize" button. Stealthly will process your text and generate a humanized version within seconds.

  4. Review and Use Your Output: After receiving the output, review it to ensure it meets your expectations. You can make further adjustments if needed or directly use the polished text for your intended purpose.

Stealthy's Customization Options

The platform offers three distinct modes—Light, Balanced, and Deep—each tailored to different levels of humanization based on your needs.

  • Light Mode: This mode offers a subtle humanization effect, making minor adjustments to tone and phrasing. It’s ideal for users who want to retain much of the original text while adding a touch of human nuance.
  • Balanced Mode: This option strikes a middle ground, providing a moderate level of humanization. It enhances readability and engagement without drastically altering the original message and maintains a moderate degree of undetectability.
  • Deep Mode: For those needing a comprehensive overhaul, Deep Mode applies extensive humanization techniques, significantly restructuring the text. This mode is perfect for the most stringent detectors that a more significant transformation is required to bypass its detection effectively.

Stealthly also includes a Purpose setting that allows you to tailor the output according to specific writing scenarios. Whether you’re crafting an academic essay, a blog post, or a technical report, selecting the appropriate purpose helps guide the humanization process, ensuring the final output meets your specific requirements.

AI Humanization Capabilities of Stealthly

Stealthly's primary strength lies in its advanced AI humanization capabilities, which are designed to transform AI-generated text into content that closely mimics human writing. Here’s a detailed look at how this process works and what it entails:

Deep Learning Humanization Algorithms

Stealthly employs sophisticated deep learning algorithms trained on a dataset of over 10 million texts. This extensive training allows the tool to identify patterns and nuances associated with human writing, enabling it to detect and modify the “robotic” aspects often present in AI-generated content.

The algorithms analyze sentence structure, word choice, and contextual relevance to ensure the output feels natural and engaging.

Human Touch Integration

The humanization process involves restructuring the text to incorporate subtleties typical of human communication. This includes adjusting tone, adding emotional depth, and enhancing readability. By focusing on these elements, Stealthly aims to produce writing that resonates with readers, making the content not only undetectable by AI detectors but also more appealing and relatable.

A Closer Look at Its Effectiveness

All these sound good, but you may now be wondering how effective Stealthly actually is. In fact, to evaluate Stealthly’s claims of producing undetectable content, we conducted a series of tests against popular AI detection tools.

We first generated a piece of AI text using ChatGPT:

After that, we humanized the text with Stealthly. It gave us the following outputs:

With all its AI detectors identifying it as human-written.

And we put the humanized text into three AI detectors to verify its undetectability. The first one is ZeroGPT. It returned a 0% AI score:

Next up is GPTZero. It gave a 94% human score for this text:

The final one, and probably the most stringent one, Originality. It was 100% confident that this text was original.

From the test results above, we can conclude that Stealthly is highly effective in humanizing AI text and bypassing AI detectors.

Built-in AI Detector

Another standout feature of Stealthly is its built-in AI detector, designed to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the humanization process.

This detection tool can help you check your text against multiple AI detectors people often use. It allows users to evaluate their content before or after humanization, providing valuable insights into how detectable the text is by all these AI detectors.

How It Works

  • Pre-Humanization Check: Before users submit their AI-generated text for humanization, they can run it through the built-in detector. This initial assessment gives users a clear understanding of how likely their content is to be flagged by various AI detection systems.
  • Post-Humanization Evaluation: After the text has been humanized, users can recheck it with the detector to see how effectively Stealthly has humanized the content. This comparison highlights the improvements made and reassures users of the output's undetectability.

Totally Free to Use

Currently, Stealthly is completely free to use. This accessibility makes it an attractive option for students, writers, and professionals who need high-quality content without the burden of additional costs.

You can benefit from their unlimited free word credits, enabling you to process as much text as needed. This feature is particularly valuable for those working on extensive projects, such as research papers or large articles, allowing for seamless content enhancement without restrictions.


Stealthly is a helpful tool for anyone looking to enhance their writing while bypassing AI detection. With its advanced humanization capabilities, versatile modes, and built-in AI detector, Stealthly effectively transforms robotic text into engaging, human-like content.

As we've tested, all its humanization capabilities are truly effective. Also, the platform’s commitment to being completely free and accessible ensures that students, writers, and professionals can utilize its features without financial constraints. If you're interested, you can give it a try!

This story was distributed by Margrowth under HackerNoon’s Brand As An Author Program. Learn more about the program here:
