timwhitez starred GoRedOps
2024-8-5 14:55:8 Author: github.com(查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

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GoRedOps is a collection of Golang projects designed specifically for red teamers and offensive security operations. This repository provides various tools and techniques essential for penetration testing, exploitation, and security research.

Table of Contents

Project Structure

GoRedOps contains the following codes:

  • AntiDebugNOPACKAGE

    • Anti-debugging techniques without packaging.
  • AntiDebugPackage

    • Packaged anti-debugging techniques.
  • BatchfileDeobfuscator

    • Tools for deobfuscating batch files.
  • CreateDLL

    • Tools for creating dynamic-link libraries (DLLs).
  • crypto

    • Various cryptographic algorithms (AES, ChaCha20, RC4, XOR).
  • EDR-XDR-AV-Killer

    • Tools for evading and disabling EDR, XDR, and antivirus software.
  • ETWBypass

    • Techniques for bypassing Event Tracing for Windows (ETW).
  • GoDLLInjector

    • DLL injection techniques.
  • GoObfuscator

    • Tools for obfuscating Go code.
  • injection_native_apc

    • Native APC injection techniques.
  • injection_thread

    • Thread injection techniques:
      • createThread
      • ntCreateThreadEx
  • instrumentation_callback

    • Techniques involving instrumentation callbacks.
  • LifetimeAMSIBypass

    • Bypassing AMSI (Antimalware Scan Interface).
  • misc

    • Miscellaneous scripts and tools.
  • network

    • Networking tools:
      • http (HTTP client and server)
      • pipes (Named pipes client and server)
      • tcp (TCP client and server)
  • ParentPIDSpoofing

    • Techniques for spoofing parent process IDs.
  • PEParser

    • Tools for parsing PE (Portable Executable) files.
  • process_dump

    • Tools for dumping process memory.
  • ProtecProc

    • Process protection techniques.
  • ProtectProcess

    • Additional process protection techniques.
  • sandbox

    • Techniques for detecting and evading sandboxes.
  • self_remove

    • Tools for self-removing malware.
  • srdi

    • Tools for shellcode reflection and dynamic invocation.
  • token

    • Token manipulation tools:
      • impersonate
      • list
  • wmi

    • Tools for interacting with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
  • APC Injection

    • Exploits the Asynchronous Procedure Call (APC) technique to execute malicious code within target processes.
  • Early Bird APC Injection

    • A variation of APC Injection focusing on executing code before the main process starts.
  • Local Mapping Injection

    • Demonstrates malicious code injection via memory mapping into local processes.
  • Local Payload Execution

    • Addresses the direct execution of malicious payloads in a system's local environment.
  • Payload Execution Fibers

    • Demonstrates running shellcode using Fibers, a type of lightweight thread.
  • Payload Placement

    • Shows how to store shellcode in the .text section of a process and execute it.
  • Process Injection (Shellcode)

    • Exploits shellcode injection directly into running processes to control or execute malicious tasks.
  • Registry Shellcode

    • Demonstrates writing and reading shellcode to/from the Windows Registry.
  • Remote Function Stomping Injection

    • Exploits the substitution of functions in remote systems to carry out malicious activities.
  • Remote Mapping Injection

    • Demonstrates malicious code injection via memory mapping into remote processes.
  • Remote Thread Hijacking

    • Focuses on hijacking threads in remote system processes to execute malicious code.
  • Threadless Injection

    • Demonstrates threadless injection using Go & C, where shellcode is injected without creating a new thread.
  • RunPE (Run Portable Executable)

    • Runs PE in Memory, PE = .exe.
  • Lifetime ETW - Amsi Bypass

    • Patches Amsi and ETW forever in newly created powershell consoles.
  • Keylogger

    • Logs keystrokes into a temp file.

Getting Started

To get started with any of the tools in this repository, navigate to the respective project directory and follow the instructions in the README.md file provided.


  • Go programming language installed (version 1.20+)
  • Knowledge of Golang and offensive security operations, so have a brain in nutshell.


Clone the repository, and Change Dir to your specified one:

git clone https://github.com/EvilBytecode/GoRedOps.git
cd GoRedOps
cd desired_folder


  • We welcome contributions to improve GoRedOps. If you have an idea for a new tool or an enhancement to an existing one, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.

How to contribute?

  • Steps to Contribute
  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  • Implement your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
  • Push your changes to your fork.
  • Submit a pull request to the main repository.
  • NoLicense (UnLicense)

文章来源: https://github.com/EvilBytecode/GoRedOps