Why Rule-Based Systems Fails to detect attacks and breaches?
2024-8-7 03:58:48 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

In the realm of cybersecurity, brute force attacks are a persistent threat, exploiting the weaknesses of traditional rule-based systems. These attacks involve guessing passwords systematically, but with Seceon’s advanced AI and machine learning solutions, you gain a proactive defence that not only identifies threats before they escalate but also automates remediation.

Brute Force Attack

Understanding Brute Force Attacks

Brute force attacks involve attackers methodically guessing passwords. With rules based detection attacks continue undetected attacks below the short and long term threshold and get unlimited numbers of chances to breach the organisation by evading detection by conventional security systems.

Limitations of Rule-Based Security Models

Traditional rule-based systems use static thresholds to detect suspicious activity. While effective for some threats, they have notable limitations:

  • Predictability: Attackers are well aware of common thresholds and can tailor their strategies to avoid triggering alerts.
  • Inflexibility: Static rules are designed around specific patterns, making them less adaptable to novel attack vectors.
  • Detection Gaps: Advanced attackers often employ techniques that fall outside predefined rules, leaving these systems vulnerable.

For example, traditional rules might block access after a specific number of failed login attempts within a given timeframe. While this approach can prevent some attacks, it fails to account for the sophisticated tactics used by modern threat actors.

Seceon’s Proactive, AI-Powered Defence

Seceon addresses these limitations with aiSIEM and aiXDR, leveraging AI, Dynamic Threat Models  and machine learning for enhanced threat detection and response:

  • Proactive Threat Identification: Seceon’s AI-driven solutions proactively identify potential threats before they escalate, analyzing evolving attack patterns and behaviours in real-time.
  • Automated Remediation: Once a threat is detected, Seceon’s platform automatically remediates the issue without requiring manual intervention. This means threats are neutralized swiftly and efficiently, minimizing the need for human action.
  • Dynamic Threat Models: Our dynamic models continuously adapt, ensuring that even sophisticated brute force attacks are detected and managed effectively.

Conclusion: Enhancing Your Cybersecurity with Seceon

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, relying on outdated rule-based systems is insufficient for comprehensive protection. Seceon’s advanced aiSIEM and aiXDR solutions leverage Dynamic Threat Models with AI and machine learning to provide proactive, adaptive defense against sophisticated brute force attacks and other emerging threats.

For security experts seeking to elevate their cybersecurity posture, Seceon offers an advanced solution that goes beyond traditional rules to deliver intelligent, real-time threat detection and response. To explore how our platform can enhance your security strategy, contact us and discover the future of cybersecurity.


文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/08/why-rule-based-systems-fails-to-detect-attacks-and-breaches/