Cequence Storms Black Hat with API Security Testing for Generative AI Applications
2024-8-13 21:0:2 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

That’s a wrap for Black Hat 2024! We had a great show and met many of you at the booth or on the show floor. I hope you were able to come by, watched a session by Jason Kent, Hacker in Residence at Cequence, or Parth Shukla, Security Engineer at Cequence, and maybe even entered to win the PlayStation 5 and Meta Quest VR headset we were giving away!

At the show, Cequence announced API security testing for Large Language Model (LLM) applications against the OWASP LLM Top 10, among other things, which was covered by CSO Online, HelpNetSecurity, MSSP Alert, and more.

A photo of the Cequence booth staff in front of the futuristic-looking Cequence trade show booth at the Black Hat 2024 conference.A photo of the Cequence booth staff in front of the futuristic-looking Cequence trade show booth at the Black Hat 2024 conference.
A photo of the Cequence booth staff in front of the futuristic-looking Cequence trade show booth at the Black Hat 2024 conference.

Cequence-Vercara LinkedIn Live Session

We had a dynamic LinkedIn Live session with Varun Kohli, Cequence CMO, and Randy D’Souza from Vercara. They discussed our new partnership and the latest trends in API security, focusing on how organizations can tackle evolving threats, especially with Generative AI and LLMs. If you missed it live, you can check out the recording (14 mins).

Cequence Announcements

As always, we had some big announcements for the show. These additions to our Unified API Protection (UAP) platform demonstrate our industry-leading innovation in API security and bot management.

  • First API Security Testing Suite for Generative AI: A suite to test LLM applications against OWASP LLM Top 10 threats.
  • Enhanced AI Bot Detection: Automatic detection and blocking of AI bot activity.
  • Cequence Flow Graph: A new feature to visualize and manage API traffic in real time.
  • Expanded API Discovery: New integrations for better visibility of third-party APIs.
  • Edge-Based Traffic Processing: Improved efficiency and privacy with edge processing.

For more details, please see our press release, or contact our sales team.

A photo of the Cequence booth staff in front of the futuristic-looking Cequence trade show booth at the Black Hat 2024 conference.

Let’s Keep it Going!

It’s always a good time at Black Hat in the balmy (108º both days!) desert heat of Las Vegas. Big thanks to all the attendees and Cequence staff for making it another successful event, and we hope to see you all at next year’s Black Hat or another event between now and then. Or, if you’re ready to talk sooner, reach out! Book a call with our sales team – we’d love to talk to you about your particular needs and how Cequence can help.

A photo of the Cequence booth staff in front of the futuristic-looking Cequence trade show booth at the Black Hat 2024 conference.

The post Cequence Storms Black Hat with API Security Testing for Generative AI Applications appeared first on Cequence Security.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Cequence Security authored by Jeff Harrell. Read the original post at: https://www.cequence.ai/blog/about-cequence/cequence-api-security-at-black-hat-2024/

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/08/cequence-storms-black-hat-with-api-security-testing-for-generative-ai-applications/