Phishing Pages Delivered Through Refresh HTTP Response Header
2024-9-11 18:0:5 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:11 收藏

Executive Summary

Unit 42 researchers observed many large-scale phishing campaigns in 2024 that used a refresh entry in the HTTP response header. From May-July we detected around 2,000 malicious URLs daily that were associated with campaigns of this type.

Unlike other phishing webpage distribution behavior through HTML content, these attacks use the response header sent by a server, which occurs before the processing of the HTML content. Malicious links direct the browser to automatically refresh or reload a webpage immediately, without requiring user interaction.

Attackers predominantly distribute the malicious URLs in the phishing campaigns via emails. These emails consistently include recipients' email addresses and display spoofed webmail login pages based on the recipients' email domain pre-filled with the users’ information. They largely target people in the global financial sector, well-known internet portals and government domains.

Since the original and landing URLs are often found under legitimate or compromised domains, it is difficult to spot malicious indicators within a URL string. Furthermore, attackers use personalized approaches that increase the likelihood that they will deceive their victim.

Palo Alto Networks customers are better protected from the threats discussed above through Advanced URL Filtering (AURL). Besides identifying phishing URLs in the described scenario, AURL extracts patterns from these suspicious URLs and could discover additional phishing websites.

If you think you might have been compromised or have an urgent matter, contact the Unit 42 Incident Response team.

Related Unit 42 Topics Business Email Compromise (BEC)

How the Header Refresh Technique Works

Phishing attackers commonly employ a variety of readily available tools and mechanisms to obscure their malicious intent and deceive their victims. We recently observed attackers using header refresh techniques to embed their phishing links and craft convincing email subjects to deceive customers.

These malicious links, which have the targeted user’s email address embedded in the refresh field of the HTTP response header, direct the browser to automatically refresh or reload a webpage immediately. They do so without requiring user interaction.

By carefully mimicking legitimate domains and redirecting victims to official sites, attackers can effectively mask their true objectives and increase the likelihood of successful credential theft. These tactics highlight the sophisticated strategies attackers use to avoid detection and exploit unsuspecting targets.

To see how the header refresh technique works, we will describe an example. In one phishing attempt we observed, the refresh field of the response header is:

Example of the header refresh code.

Below, Figure 1 shows the refresh entry in the HTTP response headers in response to the original URL, as seen using DevTools in Google Chrome.

Screenshot of an HTTP response header shown in DevTools. Highlighted in red is the request URL on top and the refresh URL on the bottom with some text redacted.
Figure 1. Example of an HTTP response header shown in DevTools.

The original and landing URLs are often found under legitimate or compromised domains and hosts, a technique that’s often effective in concealing malicious URL strings. Additionally, attackers frequently use legitimate domains that offer URL shortening, tracking or campaign marketing services.

Many attackers also employ deep linking to dynamically generate content that appears tailored to the individual target. By using parameters in the URL, they pre-fill sections of a form, enhancing the credibility of the phishing attempt.

This personalized approach increases the likelihood that the attacker will deceive the victim. Attackers have exploited this mechanism because it enables them to load phishing content with minimum effort while concealing the malicious content.

Example of Header Refresh Phishing Attacks

To trick their targets and steal their credentials, malicious links in these attacks consistently include an organization’s email address and display an email login page pre-filled with victims’ information.

Figure 2 returns to the example above, showing a related phishing page found on July 14, 2024.

Screenshot of a phishing page imitating a Microsoft login page requesting a password with the "Sign in" button visible. Some of the information is redacted.
Figure 2. Phishing page, sent through a refresh entry in an HTTP response header.

Table 1 below shows the original URL and the final URL from the phishing page in Figure 2. When clicking the original URL from the phishing email, the server hosting that original URL used a refresh entry in the HTTP response headers, as described in the previous section. This is used to redirect traffic to the final URL under the domain hk6.8ik8rq[.]ru.

This URL is the final address for the phishing page. In many cases, we find a landing URL between the original address and the final one in this chain.

Date Original URL Final URL (Header Link)
July 14, 2024 hxxp[:]//impactchd[.]in/content/bing/ghjkj/1kdeyl61ahaub/[Base64 string for recipient's email address] hxxps[:]//hk6.8ik8rq[.]ru/hk6/#[recipient's email address]

Table 1. Example of a phishing URL chain.

Phishing Campaign Example

From June 20-21, 2024, we observed large-scale phishing campaigns through emails predominantly targeting large corporations in Korea. We also saw campaigns targeting government agencies and schools in the U.S. One particular campaign was notable for its use of emails originating from the same source IP address at 195.19.93[.]5 and the same spoofed sender addresses of 2127394249@businessimageprint[.]com or 2127394249@docusign[.]com. Attackers varied the recipients across multiple domains ending with [.]gov, [.]edu and [.]com.

The most common email subject was Complete with DocuSign: ACH/EFT FORM ***. URLs embedded within these emails commonly contained a subpath of sf_rand_string_lowercase6. Figure 3 shows the campaign trending and Figure 4 shows the percentages of targeted industries.

Bar chart displaying the number of detections by date. The x-axis date range is April 16, 2024 to August 16, 2024. The y-axis measures the number of detections ranging from 0 to 800. Notable peaks include 771 detections on June 6, 2024 before tapering off. The Unit 42 and Palo Alto Networks lockup logo.
Figure 3. sf_rand_string_lowercase6 phishing campaign trending.
Pie chart showing the distribution of affected industries. Business and Economy lead with 34.6%, followed by Government at 15.8%, Educational Institutions at 13.7%, Computer and Internet at 8.4%, Health and Medicine at 4.8%, Training and Tools at 3.4%, Parked at 3.1%, and All Other Industries at 16.2%. The Unit 42 and Palo Alto Networks lockup logo.
Figure 4. Email domain industry distributions on sf_rand_string_lowercase6 campaign.

Over 34% of the attacks targeted people in the business-and-economy sector. Nearly 30% of the targets were from governments and educational institutions.

Attackers delivered the malicious links through header refresh URLs containing targeted recipients email addresses. Consistent with the email recipient’s domain, the final page would be automatically loaded with malicious link content when the victim clicks the link in the email body.

Upon landing on the phishing webpage, victims were presented with a login page requesting their credentials. An example of one of the campaigns is detailed on LinkedIn in our Unit 42 Timely Threat Intelligence post.

Large Phishing Campaigns Statistics

Phishing attacks target a large number of users in various organizations, encompassing numerous large-scale campaigns. Table 2 shows the top domains for the initial URLs used by large campaigns in the past three months, and Figure 5 shows the frequency of those top domains.

URL Domain URL Domain Category Number of Detections Most Frequent Date Top Targeted Industry
onelink[.]me Computer-and-internet-info 5,537 May 10, 2024 Financial-services
go[.]link  Business-and-economy 5,374 May 6, 2024 News
speedpython[.]com Malware 3,027 May 14, 2024 Government
club-os[.]com Business-and-economy 2,384 April 12, 2024 Business-and-economy (mostly in Japan)
guide-orientation[.]tn Educational-institutions 1,888 July 2, 2024 Business-and-economy

Table 2. Examples of large campaigns from April 12-July 7, 2024.

Line graph showing the number of detections for,,,, and over a period from April 14 to July 7, 2024. The graph highlights peaks in detections with the highest numbers labeled for clarity across various dates.
Figure 5. Number of detections for initial phishing URLs from top five domains, April 14 through July 7, 2024.

Different domains appeared during various time periods. Some campaigns, particularly those using malicious URLs under the domain onelink[.]me, have continued for a prolonged period. Figure 5 above shows the campaign had a peak on May 10, 2024, and lasted for about one month. The campaign targeted over 3,000 victims across more than 500 organizations.

Meanwhile, campaigns associated with the go[.]link domain experienced a sudden surge at the beginning of May, with over 5,000 malicious URLs detected. Domain club-os[.]com peaked on April 12, 2024, but persisted from late April to the present. In late June, we noticed a new campaign under guide-orientation[.]tn, which occurred most on July 2, 2024.

Affected Users

Phishing attacks aim to steal email login credentials from people at various organizations. Figure 6 shows the distribution of industries from our total detections in this wave of attacks.

Pie chart displaying the distribution across various industries. The largest segment is Business and Economy at 36.2%, followed by Financial Services at 12.9%. Other sectors include Government at 6.9%, Health and Medicine at 5.7%, and Computer and Internet at 5.4%. All Other Industries is at 32.9%. The Unit 42 and Palo Alto Networks lockup logo.
Figure 6. Percentages of targeted industries from our total detections.

Over 36% of the attacks largely targeted people in the global business-and-economy sector. The second-largest sector is financial services, including global banks and financial service companies. We also observed that phishing emails were sent to users of well known internet portals and government domains.

Since many companies use Microsoft/Outlook for their email service, the phishing pages frequently imitate the webmail login page, such as the Outlook webmail login portal shown below in Figure 7.

Phishing page impersonating Microsoft Outlook login screen with fields for entering username and password, along with a 'Sign in' button. Some parts of the username are redacted.
Figure 7. A phishing page impersonating the Outlook webmail login portal.

As shown in Table 3, the original URL of the above example was under domain cices[.]org but landed on a different domain dominicanmidia[.]com. When the victim clicked this URL, it reloaded a webpage under sirius-maritime[.]com and showed a fake Outlook webmail login page prefilled with the user's email address (associated with a technology company). The attack was designed to trick the user into entering their password on the fake page, exposing their credentials to the attacker.

The page allowed the victim to enter their password three times at most, capturing these attempts, then redirecting to the official site office[.]com. We also saw similar attacks targeting other recipients associated with different companies.

Date Original URL Landing URL Final URL (Header Link)
May 21, 2024 hxxps[:]//www[.]cices[.]org/?wptouch_switch=desktop&redirect=HtTPs[:]//dominicanmidia[.]com//zres/rezs/obld//[base64 string for recipient's email address] hxxps[:]//dominicanmidia[.]com//zres/rezs/obld//[base64 string for recipient's email address] hxxps[:]//sirius-maritime[.]com/0utl0ok/?email=[recipient's email address]
May 5, 2024 hxxps[:]//www[.]cices[.]org/?wptouch_switch=desktop&redirect=HtTPs[:]//dominicanmidia[.]com//zres/rezs/dnne//[base64 string for recipient's email address] hxxps[:]//dominicanmidia[.]com//zres/rezs/dnne//[base64 string for recipient's email address] hxxps[:]//sirius-maritime[.]com/0utl0ok/?email=[recipient's email address]
May 21, 2024 hxxps[:]//www[.]cices[.]org/?wptouch_switch=desktop&redirect=HtTPs[:]//dominicanmidia[.]com//zres/rezs/crej//[base64 string for recipient's email address] hxxps[:]//dominicanmidia[.]com//zres/rezs/crej//zres/rezs/crej//[base64 string for recipient's email address] hxxps[:]//sirius-maritime[.]com/0utl0ok/?email=[recipient's email address]

Table 3. Similar phishing attacks on different recipients.


In the additional resources section below, we've listed some examples of phishing webpage distribution behavior through HTML content, specifically through the injection of a malicious URL to the meta field of the HTML file. However, as of August 2024, no literature specifically addresses attacks using a refresh entry in the response header sent by a server that occurs before the server processes the HTML content of the response body.

This article documents the frequent use of HTTP refresh fields in HTTP response headers in phishing attacks.

In our research, we found no legitimate websites exhibiting this behavior. Although the refresh header can be useful in specific situations like dynamically updating websites, we more commonly see other methods such as JavaScript-based techniques or server-side push technologies like WebSockets.

Ultimately, organizations should be more aware of the potential for malicious use of HTTP refresh headers.

Palo Alto Networks Protection and Mitigation

Palo Alto Networks customers are better protected from the threats discussed above through Advanced URL Filtering. To identify phishing URLs in the described scenario, we analyzed the response headers of websites.

URLs containing an email address injected into the refresh field were typically flagged as suspicious. We extracted patterns from these suspicious URLs and discovered additional phishing websites.

If you think you may have been compromised or have an urgent matter, get in touch with the Unit 42 Incident Response team or call:

  • North America Toll-Free: 866.486.4842 (866.4.UNIT42)
  • EMEA: +
  • APAC: +65.6983.8730
  • Japan: +81.50.1790.0200

Palo Alto Networks has shared these findings with our fellow Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA) members. CTA members use this intelligence to rapidly deploy protections to their customers and to systematically disrupt malicious cyber actors. Learn more about the Cyber Threat Alliance.

Indicators of Compromise

We have compiled a CSV file containing 58 examples of sanitized URL chains from May 1-July 2, 2024. It is available as a file in this GitHub repository.

Additional Resources
