Lynx Ransomware: A Rebranding of INC Ransomware
2024-10-11 05:0:46 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:67 收藏

Executive Summary

In July 2024, researchers from Palo Alto Networks discovered a successor to INC ransomware named Lynx. Since its emergence, the group behind this ransomware has actively targeted organizations in various sectors such as retail, real estate, architecture, and financial and environmental services in the U.S. and UK.

Lynx ransomware shares a significant portion of its source code with INC ransomware. INC ransomware initially surfaced in August 2023 and had variants compatible with both Windows and Linux. While we haven't confirmed any Linux samples yet for Lynx ransomware, we have noted Windows samples. This ransomware operates using a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) model.

This article delves into the timeline of these more recent attacks and the evolving tactics employed by the threat actor behind this ransomware.

Palo Alto Networks customers are better protected from Lynx ransomware through our Network Security solutions and Cortex line of products.

If you think you might have been compromised or have an urgent matter, contact the Unit 42 Incident Response team.

Related Unit 42 Topics Ransomware, Double Extortion

Activity Timeline

Figure 1 below shows a timeline comparing the number of confirmed samples we have discovered for both INC and Lynx ransomware. This graph presents a comparison of the sample count for both INC and Lynx ransomware on a monthly basis from October 2023 through September 2024.

Stacked bar chart showing counts of Lynx ransomware and INC ransomware incidents from September 2023 to September 2024. INC ransomware incidents peak in June 2024, while Lync ransomware shows notable occurrence in August and September 2024. INC ransomware is absent by September.
Figure 1. INC versus Lynx ransomware sample timeline.

The source code for INC ransomware was available for sale on the criminal underground market as early as March 2024. Because of this, we expect many malware authors to acquire and repackage this code to develop new ransomware, similar to what the Lynx group did. As a result, we can expect a growing trend in which newer or different ransomware groups reuse this existing code.

Delivery Mechanism

The group behind Lynx ransomware represents an increasingly prevalent and sophisticated double-extortion threat. The threat operators commonly disseminate their ransomware through a variety of cyberattack vectors.

These vectors include:

  • Phishing emails that deceive users into revealing sensitive information
  • Malicious downloads that surreptitiously install the ransomware onto victims' systems
  • Hacking forums where cybercriminals share information and resources

The double extortion aspect of Lynx ransomware means that it exfiltrates a victim's data before encrypting it. This not only encrypts the victim's data, rendering it inaccessible, but also allows the ransomware group to leak or sell this information if the victim does not make a ransom payment.

Like other ransomware groups, this multifaceted approach to cyberextortion has made Lynx ransomware a formidable threat to individuals and organizations alike. This necessitates organizations to develop robust cybersecurity measures to counteract its impact.

Data Leak Site

The group asserts that it has breached data from numerous companies and has publicly displayed the pilfered information on its website at http[:]//lynxblog[.]net as demonstrated in Figures 2 and 3.

Screenshot of the Lynx Leaks web interface displaying various reports. Each report is presented with titles, publication dates, descriptions, viewer counts, and a 'Go to the publication' button. The background is dark with the text and buttons highlighted in blue tones.
Figure 2. Leaked data published on the Lynx ransomware website.
A blurred screenshot of the Lynx leak site interface displaying several navigation options like News and Reports. The main panel shows obscured text fields and image thumbnails, indicating a focus on media or publications. The interface theme is dark with hints of blue highlights.
Figure 3. Leaked data with total income, date and size of data.

The group has a strict policy and recently released a statement on their activities as shown in Figure 4. This group states it is financially motivated, but it claims it does not target government institutes, hospitals or non-profit organizations.

Press release from Lynx ransomeware on July 24, 2024, discussing their approach to avoid harm to organizations by incentivizing ethical considerations and fostering dialogue for better economic and social outcomes.
Figure 4. Leaked data published on the Lynx ransomware website.

This group has also created a reporting page for its operations as shown in Figure 5.

A screenshot of a digital 'Report' form with fields to enter a name, email, and a description. Below these, there is a captcha asking to solve a mathematical addition problem. A 'Send' button is provided at the bottom.
Figure 5. Reporting form on the Lynx ransomware website.

Below, Figure 6 highlights the logo used for Lynx ransomware as seen on its website.

Logo of Lynx featuring a stylized shield with a lynx head silhouette in white on a black background.
Figure 6. Lynx ransomware logo used on its website.

Technical Analysis of Lynx Ransomware

The Lynx ransomware samples we analyzed used AES-128 in CTR mode and Curve25519 Donna encryption algorithms. All files are encrypted and have the .lynx extension appended to them. This malware version is designed for the Windows platform and is written in the C++ programming language.

Attackers can tailor their execution of Lynx ransomware by using arguments supplied during runtime as illustrated in Figure 7.

Command prompt screen displaying a list of arguments. The arguments include options for file encryption, verbose output, encryption of network shares, and others. Some identifying information is redacted.
Figure 7. Command-line options present in the malware.

The ransomware’s features include the following:

  • Designating specific directories/files for encryption
  • Terminating services/processes
  • Encrypting network drives
  • Mounting concealed disks
  • Enabling or disabling background image alterations
  • Printing all console logs

Figure 8 shows code snippets for various arguments available for Lynx ransomware. It can even load hidden drives and encrypt network share drives.

Screenshot of computer code in an IDE, featuring multiple lines of code with functions involving encryption, verbosity, and process management.
Figure 8. Encryption mode in the malware.

If no arguments are given, the ransomware defaults to encrypting all files and drives on the system. Additionally, it deletes shadow copies and backup partition drives as shown in Figure 9.

A screenshot of a computer screen displaying a command prompt window with various system processes being executed, including stopping processes, initializing threads, and encrypting files. The window shows several file paths and status messages related to system security. Some identifying information in the first line is redacted.
Figure 9. Running a Lynx ransomware sample with default arguments in a command terminal.

As noted from the debugger results in Figure 10, the ransomware scans all the drives, attempts to mount them, then encrypts the data they contain.

A screenshot of a computer screen displaying assembly language code with various memory addresses and operations.
Figure 10. Lynx ransomware sample checking for drive letters.

Before starting the encryption process, the sample would kill the processes on the system listed in Figure 11 below.

A screenshot showing a section of computer code with various data offsets listed, such as Backup, Exchange, Java, and Notepad. One line is highlighted in purple with the word "Veeam" on the right side.
Figure 11. Lynx checking for various processes in the system.

Figure 12 shows code snippets illustrating this process.

A screenshot of computer code in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) debugger environment with highlighted syntax in various colors, predominantly green and purple, indicating different elements like text, data, and operations.
Figure 12. Code snippets checking process and termination.

Like many other ransomware strains, Lynx ransomware uses the Restart Manager API RstrtMgr to enhance its encryption capabilities and maximize its impact on the victim's system. By incorporating RstrtMgr into its attack process, Lynx ransomware can target files that are currently in use or locked by other applications.

RstrtMgr helps the ransomware identify which applications are using the desired files. Ransomware such as Conti, Cactus and BiBi Wiper have also been observed employing this technique.

After the ransomware encrypts all files, it attempts to print a report via Microsoft OneNote as shown in the debugger output in Figure 13 and the command-line output in Figure 14.

A screenshot of a computer screen displaying code in an editor. The left side shows lines of hexadecimal values and assembly language, while the right side includes a text annotation. Red arrows point to two specific lines at the top and in the middle of the screenshot.
Figure 13. Debugger output showing a Lynx ransomware sample sending notes to OneNote.
Computer screen displaying multiple lines of text that indicate the process of sending notes to various versions of OneNote, including OneNote 2013, OneNote 2010, and OneNote for Windows 10. The text also includes messages about the successful closure of the same. These are highlighted inside a red box. Some identifying information is redacted.
Figure 14. After running Lynx ransomware from the command line, the output revealed it sent notes to OneNote on completion of encryption.

Figure 15 below shows that the ransomware appends a .lynx extension to all encrypted file names.

A computer desktop screen displaying an open folder named "Documents" with various files and folders listed, including "Custom Office Templates" and several Excel files. Icons for applications like Firefox, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge are visible on the taskbar. The desktop background has text saying that the computer's data is stolen and encrypted and there is contact information for Lynx.
Figure 15. Desktop from a Lynx ransomware infection with the .lynx file extension appended to encrypted files.

The presence of a program database (PDB) path with Lynx in the name confirms the ransomware as a Lynx variant, as shown in the output of a packed executable (PE) analyzer tool in Figure 16.

Screenshot displaying file paths related to "Lynx Release" on a computer, with text highlighted in light blue on a dark blue background.
Figure 16. Lynx sample .pdb path.

Lynx additionally drops a README.txt file as a ransom note. Figure 17 displays both the Base64-encoded content found in the sample data section of a Lynx ransomware sample and the decoded ransom note.

Screenshot of a Lynx ransomware sample code in a text editor, with highlighted areas showing Base64 text and its translation to ASCII text used for a ransom note.
Figure 17. Ransom note Base64-encoded text from the Lynx ransomware sample and the decoded ransom note.

Figure 18 below shows a different ransom note from another Lynx ransomware sample.

A screenshot of a text file named "README.txt" open in Notepad, displaying a list of Tor network mirror links for downloading a software. The file interface includes tabs for File, Edit, Format, View, and Help.
Figure 18. Ransom note from another Lynx ransomware sample.

Comparison With INC Ransomware

We used the open-source tool BinDiff to compare the code between a sample of Lynx ransomware and a sample of INC ransomware. Figure 19 shows the BinDiff results from the INC sample in the Primary Call Graph (bottom right) and the Lynx sample in the Secondary Call Graph (bottom left). By analyzing and cross-referencing the call graphs of both ransomware samples, we can observe the extent to which their code structures and functionalities overlap and diverge.

This image contains a series of graphs and charts displaying comparative data analysis between two code sets. It features pie charts illustrating categories such as Functions, Calls, Basic Blocks, and Jumps, a histogram showing Similarity percentage, and tables detailing specific metrics like function counts, calls, instructions, and more. The color coding and visual elements like percentages help to compare and contrast the data between the two sets effectively.
Figure 19. Code similarity between INC and Lynx ransomware as shown by BinDiff.

Upon close examination, we find that the overall matched functions between both ransomware samples stand at 48%. This indicates that nearly half of the functions present in the INC ransomware sample are also used in the Lynx sample.

The percentage of matched functions rises to an impressive 70.8% when we consider functions that are common to both ransomware families. This significant overlap in shared functions strongly suggests that the developers of Lynx ransomware have borrowed and repurposed a considerable portion of the INC codebase to create their own malicious software.

Reusing code between different ransomware families is common among cybercriminals. By leveraging preexisting code and building upon the foundations laid by other successful ransomware, threat actors can save time and resources in the development of their own attacks. This can ultimately lead to more successful and widespread campaigns.


Lynx ransomware use is active and evolving, yet attackers often employ similar code patterns in newer versions. Palo Alto Networks monitors such campaigns and uses various static and dynamic methods for detecting and blocking them.

Ransomware is a familiar presence in the threat landscape, and there are numerous approaches to protecting customers from these evolving attacks. These methods include dynamic and behavioral detections, as well as more reactive signature or pattern-based solutions.

Palo Alto Networks Protection and Mitigation

Palo Alto Networks customers are better protected from Lynx ransomware through the following products:

  • The Cortex XDR Anti-Ransomware module protects against the threats described in both versions of the malware: Windows and Linux. 
  •  Advanced WildFire: The Advanced WildFire machine-learning models and analysis techniques have been reviewed and updated in light of the IoCs shared in this research.                                           

If you think you may have been compromised or have an urgent matter, get in touch with the Unit 42 Incident Response team or call:

  • North America Toll-Free: 866.486.4842 (866.4.UNIT42)
  • EMEA: +
  • APAC: +65.6983.8730
  • Japan: +81.50.1790.0200

Palo Alto Networks has shared these findings with our fellow Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA) members. CTA members use this intelligence to rapidly deploy protections to their customers and to systematically disrupt malicious cyber actors. Learn more about the Cyber Threat Alliance.

Indicators of Compromise

SHA256 hashes of Windows EXE samples for Lynx ransomware:

  • 571f5de9dd0d509ed7e5242b9b7473c2b2cbb36ba64d38b32122a0a337d6cf8b
  • 82eb1910488657c78bef6879908526a2a2c6c31ab2f0517fcc5f3f6aa588b513
  • eaa0e773eb593b0046452f420b6db8a47178c09e6db0fa68f6a2d42c3f48e3bc

SHA256 hashes of Windows EXE samples for INC ransomware:

  • 02472036db9ec498ae565b344f099263f3218ecb785282150e8565d5cac92461
  • 05e4f234a0f177949f375a56b1a875c9ca3d2bee97a2cb73fc2708914416c5a9
  • 11cfd8e84704194ff9c56780858e9bbb9e82ff1b958149d74c43969d06ea10bd
  • 1754c9973bac8260412e5ec34bf5156f5bb157aa797f95ff4fc905439b74357a
  • 1a7c754ae1933338c740c807ec3dcf5e18e438356990761fdc2e75a2685ebf4a
  • 29a25e971dbb87d3adcee75693782d978a3ca9f64df0a59b015ca519a4026c49
  • 3156ee399296d55e56788b487701eb07fd5c49db04f80f5ab3dc5c4e3c071be0
  • 36e3c83e50a19ad1048dab7814f3922631990578aab0790401bc67dbcc90a72e
  • 508a644d552f237615d1504aa1628566fe0e752a5bc0c882fa72b3155c322cef
  • 64b249eb3ab5993e7bcf5c0130e5f31cbd79dabdcad97268042780726e68533f
  • 7f104a3dfda3a7fbdd9b910d00b0169328c5d2facc10dc17b4378612ffa82d51
  • 869d6ae8c0568e40086fd817766a503bfe130c805748e7880704985890aca947
  • 9ac550187c7c27a52c80e1c61def1d3d5e6dbae0e4eaeacf1a493908ffd3ec7d
  • ca9d2440850b730ba03b3a4f410760961d15eb87e55ec502908d2546cd6f598c
  • d147b202e98ce73802d7501366a036ea8993c4c06cdfc6921899efdd22d159c6
  • e17c601551dfded76ab99a233957c5c4acf0229b46cd7fc2175ead7fe1e3d261
  • ee1d8ac9fef147f0751000c38ca5d72feceeaae803049a2cd49dcce15223b720
  • f96ecd567d9a05a6adb33f07880eebf1d6a8709512302e363377065ca8f98f56
  • fcefe50ed02c8d315272a94f860451bfd3d86fa6ffac215e69dfa26a7a5deced
  • fef674fce37d5de43a4d36e86b2c0851d738f110a0d48bae4b2dab4c6a2c373e

SHA256 hashes of Linux ELF samples for INC ransomware:

  • 63e0d4e861048f581c9e5c64b28a053eb0023d58eebf2b943868d5f68a67a8b7
  • a0ceb258924ef004fa4efeef4bc0a86012afdb858e855ed14f1bbd31ca2e42f5
  • c41ab33986921c812c51e7a86bd3fd0691f5bba925fae612f1b717afaa2fe0ef

Contact email address from Lynx ransomware note:

  • martina.lestariid1898@proton[.]me

Publicly accessible leak site blog for Lynx ransomware:

  • lynxblog[.]net

Tor URLs for Lynx ransomware:

  • http[:]//lynxbllrfr5262yvbgtqoyq76s7mpztcqkv6tjjxgpilpma7nyoeohyd[.]onion
  • http[:]//lynxbllrfr5262yvbgtqoyq76s7mpztcqkv6tjjxgpilpma7nyoeohyd[.]onion/disclosures
  • http[:]//lynxblogco7r37jt7p5wrmfxzqze7ghxw6rihzkqc455qluacwotciyd[.]onion
  • http[:]//lynxblogijy4jfoblgix2klxmkbgee4leoeuge7qt4fpfkj4zbi2sjyd[.]onion
  • http[:]//lynxblogmx3rbiwg3rpj4nds25hjsnrwkpxt5gaznetfikz4gz2csyad[.]onion
  • http[:]//lynxblogoxllth4b46cfwlop5pfj4s7dyv37yuy7qn2ftan6gd72hsad[.]onion
  • http[:]//lynxblogtwatfsrwj3oatpejwxk5bngqcd5f7s26iskagfu7ouaomjad[.]onion
  • http[:]//lynxblogxstgzsarfyk2pvhdv45igghb4zmthnzmsipzeoduruz3xwqd[.]onion
  • http[:]//lynxblogxutufossaeawlij3j3uikaloll5ko6grzhkwdclrjngrfoid[.]onion
  • http[:]//lynxch2k5xi35j7hlbmwl7d6u2oz4vp2wqp6qkwol624cod3d6iqiyqd[.]onion/login
  • http[:]//lynxchatbykq2vycvyrtjqb3yuj4ze2wvdubzr2u6b632trwvdbsgmyd[.]onion/login
  • http[:]//lynxchatde4spv5x6xlwxf47jdo7wtwwgikdoeroxamphu3e7xx5doqd[.]onion/login
  • http[:]//lynxchatdy3tgcuijsqofhssopcepirjfq2f4pvb5qd4un4dhqyxswqd[.]onion/login
  • http[:]//lynxchatdykpoelffqlvcbtry6o7gxk3rs2aiagh7ddz5yfttd6quxqd[.]onion/login
  • http[:]//lynxchatfw4rgsclp4567i4llkqjr2kltaumwwobxdik3qa2oorrknad[.]onion/login
  • http[:]//lynxchatly4zludmhmi75jrwhycnoqvkxb4prohxmyzf4euf5gjxroad[.]onion/login
  • http[:]//lynxchatohmppv6au67lloc2vs6chy7nya7dsu2hhs55mcjxp2joglad[.]onion/login

Additional References
