Closing Security Gaps with AppOmni and Okta’s Integrated SaaS and Identity Protection
2024-10-16 00:8:56 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

SaaS applications like Salesforce, Okta, and Microsoft 365 all generate security events in different languages, making it difficult for security teams to correlate identity behavior with SaaS activity. Without a way to connect these disparate signals, critical gaps in security emerge, leaving organizations vulnerable to unauthorized access or privilege escalation.

AppOmni and Okta address this challenge through the Shared Signals Framework (SSF). Shared Signals serve as a unified language, allowing these systems to communicate seamlessly and share real-time alerts. By integrating AppOmni’s SaaS Security Posture Management with Okta’s Identity Threat Protection (ITP), security teams gain a comprehensive view of threats across both identity and SaaS environments. Automated responses, such as MFA enforcement and session terminations, ensure faster detection and remediation, closing security gaps before they can be exploited.

Securing SaaS applications goes beyond managing access—it’s about understanding how users interact with these environments once they are inside. Our integration with Okta creates a seamless link between identity protection and SaaS security, ensuring that any suspicious activity within SaaS apps is immediately correlated with identity signals, making threat detection more precise.

Here’s how it works: AppOmni converts SaaS activity logs into SSF-compatible signals, which Okta uses to detect risks such as unauthorized access or privilege escalation. Additionally, SaaS alerts from AppOmni can be combined with endpoint and network telemetry data, expanding detection capabilities and helping security teams identify advanced threats like lateral movement across systems. 



By connecting both layers, the integration automates responses such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) enforcement or session termination, reducing the potential for an incident to escalate and speeding up remediation.

Tackling Modern Threats: How the AppOmni-Okta Integration Disrupts the Attack Chain

When considering how attackers typically exploit SaaS environments, they often follow a structured sequence known as the attack chain. By progressing through key stages—from initial access to data exfiltration—attackers look to take advantage of both identity systems and SaaS applications. Disrupting this chain early is essential to preventing a full-scale breach.

The AppOmni-Okta integration is designed to break the chain at critical points, ensuring that threats are identified and mitigated before they can escalate. Here’s how the integration helps block attackers throughout the process:

  • Credential Theft and Unauthorized Access: Okta continuously monitors for identity-based attacks, such as phishing or password spraying, while AppOmni analyzes SaaS login behavior. Together, these insights trigger automated responses like MFA or session termination to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Privilege Escalation and Lateral Movement: Attackers often attempt to escalate privileges or move laterally across SaaS applications. AppOmni monitors for abnormal privilege changes, while Okta tracks identity-based suspicious activities. By linking identity signals with SaaS activity, the integration stops attackers from gaining control of sensitive resources or spreading within your environment.
  • Data Exfiltration: In the final stage of an attack, data exfiltration is a primary goal. AppOmni continuously monitors data access within SaaS applications, and when linked with Okta’s identity monitoring, the integration quickly identifies abnormal data movements or access patterns, triggering session terminations or locking accounts to prevent data theft.

Key Benefits of the AppOmni and Okta Integration

By leveraging the strength of both SaaS security and identity protection, this integration delivers a range of benefits for security teams:

  • Comprehensive Threat Visibility: Gain real-time, unified insights into threats across SaaS applications and identity systems, allowing for faster detection and response to sophisticated attacks like lateral movement or credential theft.
  • Automated Response and Remediation: When suspicious activity is detected—whether through compromised credentials or abnormal SaaS activity—automated responses such as MFA enforcement, session termination, or privilege revocation are triggered, speeding up remediation and limiting the impact of the attack.
  • Reduced Attack Surface: The integration closes gaps in your defenses by linking identity protection with SaaS security, preventing attackers from moving laterally or escalating privileges, making it more difficult for them to progress through the kill chain.
  • Improved Data Protection: Monitor and prevent data exfiltration by tracking abnormal data movements within SaaS platforms and correlating them with identity-based behaviors, ensuring that sensitive information stays secure.

Close the Gaps in Your Defenses with AppOmni and Okta

The integration of AppOmni’s deep SaaS visibility with Okta’s identity protection offers a unified security solution that delivers real-time insights and automated responses. By correlating identity and SaaS activity, this integration ensures faster detection of threats and automates remediation processes, reducing manual effort and minimizing risks.

With this powerful combination, your organization can quickly block unauthorized access, prevent privilege escalation, and protect sensitive data. The seamless integration between AppOmni and Okta helps close security gaps, ensuring comprehensive coverage across both identity and SaaS environments. Want to see how this integration can help secure your organization’s SaaS environment? Contact us at [email protected] for a demo or learn more about our threat detection solution:

How AppOmni Threat Detection Works

Identify threats in your SaaS environment and take action to prevent and mitigate attacks.

The post Closing Security Gaps with AppOmni and Okta’s Integrated SaaS and Identity Protection appeared first on AppOmni.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from AppOmni authored by Vivek Kumar, Sr. Director of Partner Alliances, AppOmni. Read the original post at:
