Testing Databend Applications Using Testcontainers - Multi-Language Implementation Guide
Introduction to Testcontainers
Testcontainers is an open-source library that provides lightweight, disposable instances of databases, message brokers, web browsers, or any service that can run in a Docker container.
Core Features:
Disposable: Can be discarded after testing
Lightweight: Quick to start with minimal resource usage
Docker-based: Leverages container technology for isolation
Main Use Cases:
Database testing: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Databend etc.
Message queue testing: RabbitMQ, Kafka, etc.
Browser automation testing
Testing any containerizable service Using TestContainers for test cases helps avoid test environment pollution, ensures test environment consistency, simplifies test configuration, and improves test reliability.
This tool is particularly suitable for testing scenarios that depend on external services, enabling quick creation of isolated test environments.
Support Databend for Testcontainers
The Databend team has completed support for Databend data source in three major programming languages through PRs in testcontainer-java, testcontainers-go, and testcontainers-rs. This means developers can easily integrate Databend test environments in projects using these languages.
Docker installed in the operating environment
Development environments for Java, Go, and Rust installed
Java Dependency Configuration
First, create a new Java Demo project. Here’s an example using Maven, adding databend testcontainers and databend-jdbc dependencies in pom.xml:
Create a `TestContainerDatabend` test class with its constructor: publicclassTestContainerDatabend{ privatefinal DatabendContainer dockerContainer;
publicTestContainerDatabend(){ dockerContainer = new DatabendContainer("datafuselabs/databend:v1.2.615"); dockerContainer.withUsername("databend").withPassword("databend").withUrlParam("ssl", "false"); dockerContainer.start(); } }
We specified datafuselabs/databend:v1.2.615 as the Docker image for starting Databend, other databend versions available at databend docker hub, then set the username and password, and started the container service.
public String getJdbcUrl(){ return format("jdbc:databend://%s:%s@%s:%s/", dockerContainer.getUsername(), dockerContainer.getPassword(), dockerContainer.getHost(), dockerContainer.getMappedPort(8000)); }
While running the test, we can see that testcontainers has started a databend container service in our system:
After the test completes, the container is immediately destroyed and resources are released.
Besides Databend, Testcontainers supports most databases and message queues available in the market, making it easy to build test suites that depend on these resources.
Similarly, for Golang projects requiring Databend services, you can use testcontainers-go:
#[cfg(test)] mod tests { use databend_driver::Client;
use crate::{databend::Databend as DatabendImage, testcontainers::runners::AsyncRunner};
#[tokio::test] async fn test_databend() { let databend = DatabendImage::default().start().await.unwrap(); let http_port = databend.get_host_port_ipv4(8000).await.unwrap(); let dsn = format!( "databend://databend:databend@localhost:{}/default?sslmode=disable", http_port ); let client = Client::new(dsn.to_string()); let conn = client.get_conn().await.unwrap(); let row = conn.query_row("select 'hello'").await.unwrap(); assert!(row.is_some()); let row = row.unwrap(); let (val,): (String,) = row.try_into().unwrap(); assert_eq!(val, "hello");
let conn2 = conn.clone(); let row = conn2.query_row("select 'world'").await.unwrap(); assert!(row.is_some()); let row = row.unwrap(); let (val,): (String,) = row.try_into().unwrap(); assert_eq!(val, "world"); } }
For modern software development, reliable testing frameworks and toolchains are crucial foundations for ensuring code quality. With Databend’s multi-language support for Testcontainers, developers can more conveniently perform database-related integration testing, thereby improving overall development efficiency and code quality.
Whether using Java, Go, or Rust, Testcontainers provides reliable support for Databend developers’ testing work. We look forward to seeing more developers apply this powerful testing tool in real projects to build more robust application systems.
-------------The End-------------
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