Blog Updates
2018-05-18 23:45:38 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:20 收藏

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On February 2018 I started working on the vulnerability research team at Check Point. This means that my blog posts (such as Linux Kernel MMap Vulnerabilities, and Check Point Responds to AMD Flaws) are now published in our group’s research blog. Although my personal research blog won’t be updated in the near future, I can guaranty that we have some very interesting research results that are waiting to be published, and so subscribing to the group’s blog is highly recommended.

Faxploit Update:

As I promised, we had a very interesting research underway, and it is now published. We were able to remotely exploit all-in-one printers using only a phone line! By sending a malicious FAX we took over a target printer and managed to spread through the network it is connected to. Here is the link to our research.

For more updates, check out the group’s blog.

Thanks for visiting,  @Eyalitkin
