Protect your Helm chart bundled application with Wallarm WAF. 10-minutes configuration for continuous and enhanced security
2020-07-25 04:34:47 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:233 收藏

Every application has its own specific goals, critical aspects, and needs. So, the logical conclusion would be that every app needs an in-depth manual configuration, right?

Well, here at Wallarm, we’re security experts and developers from the real world, and we know that in many cases time, learning curve, and maintainability are crucial factors. That’s why we continuously try to make things as easy and straightforward they can be, and that’s why you can include Wallarm WAF in your application packed as a Helm chart, the most widespread package manager for Kubernetes.

Highly appreciated for its modular approach, Helm contributes to a smoother, more standardized and reusable application deployment, reducing complexity and enhancing operational readiness. With the integration of Wallarm WAF as a sidecar container, keeping your application secure won’t give you a headache.

Zoom in to Helm

There are many solid reasons to package your application as a Helm chart. If you are familiar with apt/yum/brew and their role in different Operating Systems, you already know the importance of a package manager.

When you dig into containerized applications, you soon notice that Kubernetes can become very complex with all the objects you need to handle, from ConfigMaps to services, from pods to Persistent Volumes, in addition to the number of releases you need to manage. Helm offers a simple way to package everything into one application.

Especially if you’re new to container applications orchestrated by Kubernetes, it can take a long time to learn how to use it, resulting in high lead times to deploy production-ready apps. Helm charts provide a quick way to deploy and update apps and a more natural integration with third-party solutions you can directly plug into your containerized products, such as CI/CD or blogging platforms.

By sharing the Helm charts within an organization or across organizations, you can avoid duplicate efforts, leading to higher efficiency and reduced errors. A central App catalog reduces duplication and spreads best practices by encoding them into Charts.

As we recently explained, you can install Wallarm WAF node as a sidecar container to the same pod as the main application container in your Helm chart packaged app, or with plain manifest files. The WAF node filters incoming requests and forwards valid requests to the application container. 

Installing Wallarm WAF as a sidecar container is particularly helpful if you have the right balance between the available resources and the amount of pods your application is made by. This way, you can route the requests smarter, with more granular control and supervision, and avoid any choking point in your Ingress interface.

An application container accepts incoming requests on port 8080/TCP, and the Service object forwards incoming requests to another port (for example, 80/TCP) on the Wallarm sidecar container. Wallarm sidecar container filters requests and forwards the valid ones to the 8080/TCP port on all healthy pods of the application (Kubernetes Deployment object).

You can directly jump to our documentation, or keep reading!

The first thing you need is installing Helm by following the official documentation and the short installation process.

Once you’ve done this, you’re ready to take your first step into your application’s bundling as a Helm chart. Let’s start creating the chart: 

helm create myapp

Helm will create a directory tree with sample templates, and Chart definition files:

├── Chart.yaml
├── charts
├── templates
│   ├── NOTES.txt
│   ├── _helpers.tpl
│   ├── deployment.yaml
│   ├── ingress.yaml
│   ├── service.yaml
│   ├── serviceaccount.yaml
│   └── tests
│       └── test-connection.yaml
└── values.yaml

In order to install Wallarm WAF as a sidecar container into your Helm chart bundled application, we’ll basically focus on the already existing Deployment and Service objects, both located into templates folder, and the values.yaml configuration file, plus a custom ConfigMap.

Do you think that there is too much to configure? Well, the moment you will complete your first setup you’ll notice that it is way shorter to do than to explain.

Let’s start from here: create the wallarm-sidecar-configmap.yaml template into the templates folder, with the content Wallarm provides you:

Content For Template
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: wallarm-sidecar-nginx-conf
  default: |
    geo $remote_addr $wallarm_mode_real {
      default {{ .Values.wallarm.mode | quote }};
      # IP addresses and rules for US cloud scanners off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off;
      # IP addresses and rules for European cloud scanners off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off; off;
    server {
        listen 80 default_server;
        listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
        server_name localhost;
        root /usr/share/nginx/html;
        index index.html index.htm;
        wallarm_mode $wallarm_mode_real;
        # wallarm_instance 1;
        {{ if eq .Values.wallarm.enable_ip_blocking "true" }}
        wallarm_acl default;
        {{ end }}
        real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;
        location / {
                proxy_pass http://localhost:{{ .Values.wallarm.app_container_port }};
                include proxy_params;

Then, we can move to the tuning of the existing Deployment and Service objects, both located in the templates folder. As we explain in our documentation, a complex application can have many Deployment objects for different components, so you’ll need to find an object which defines pods which are actually exposed to the Internet, such as: 

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: myapp
      app: myapp
        app: myapp
      # Definition of your main app container
      - name: myapp 
        image: <Image>
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "500m"
        # Port on which the application container accepts incoming requests
        - containerPort: 8080

In order to install Wallarm WAF as a sidecar container, you’ll need to edit some parts of the Deployment object.

First of all, the running pods must update themselves after a change in the ConfigMap object we just created. So, you need to add the checksum/config annotation in the metadata section.

    # Wallarm element: annotation to update running pods after changing Wallarm ConfigMap
    checksum/config: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/wallarm-sidecar-configmap.yaml") . | sha256sum }}
  name: myapp

Then, you are ready to define the Wallarm sidecar container in the spec.template.spec.containers section, and to define the wallarm-nginx-conf volume in the spec.template.spec.volumes section.

      app: myapp
        app: myapp
      # Wallarm element: definition of Wallarm sidecar container
      - name: wallarm
        image: {{ .Values.wallarm.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.wallarm.image.tag }}
        imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.wallarm.image.pullPolicy | quote }}
        - name: WALLARM_API_HOST
          value: {{ .Values.wallarm.wallarm_host_api | quote }}
        - name: DEPLOY_USER
          value: {{ .Values.wallarm.deploy_username | quote }}
        - name: DEPLOY_PASSWORD
          value: {{ .Values.wallarm.deploy_password | quote }}
        - name: DEPLOY_FORCE
          value: "true"
        - name: TARANTOOL_MEMORY_GB
          value: {{ .Values.wallarm.tarantool_memory_gb | quote }}
        - name: http
          # Port on which the Wallarm sidecar container accepts requests
          # from the Service object
          containerPort: 80
        - mountPath: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
          readOnly: true
          name: wallarm-nginx-conf
      # Definition of your main app container
      - name: myapp
        image: <Image>
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "500m"
        # Port on which the application container accepts incoming requests
        - containerPort: 8080 
      # Wallarm element: definition of the wallarm-nginx-conf volume
      - name: wallarm-nginx-conf
          name: wallarm-sidecar-nginx-conf
            - key: default
              path: default

Before moving to the Service object, let’s take a step back to the ports.containerPort value in the sidecar container definition. Change it if you need, matching your application routing.

Now we’re ready to update the Service object in Kubernetes, located in the templates folder, to make sure the ports.targetPort value is identical to ports.containerPort from the definition of Wallarm sidecar container.

    app: myapp
  - port: {{ .Values.service.port }}
    # Wallarm sidecar container port; 
    # the value must be identical to ports.containerPort
    # in definition of Wallarm sidecar container
    targetPort: 8080

Let’s return to the Helm chart directory and open the values.yaml file. In this file, we need to include the wallarm object definition. 

     repository: wallarm/node
     tag: 2.14
     pullPolicy: Always
  wallarm_host_api: ""
  deploy_username: "username"
  deploy_password: "password"
  app_container_port: 80
  tarantool_memory_gb: 2
  mode: "block"

There are some parameters we need to update. The first one is wallarm_host_api. You can choose between two values defining the right Wallarm API endpoint, depending on where your Wallarm account is located. If you are in the EU cloud, you should use If your account is located in the US cloud, please use value .

The deploy_username and deploy_password refer to the user having the Deploy role in your Wallarm account. If you didn’t create it yet, it’s time to do it by following our instructions.

The app_container_port value defines the port on which your container accepts incoming requests, and it must match the ports.containerPort you defined in your main app container.

Now we reach the real gold of this quick configuration process: how do you want to run the request filtering? Setting a value for mode , you can disable the request processing (off), or just monitor it (monitoring). Still, the typical use is the block mode, so Wallarm WAF can process all requests and block the malicious ones using its own AI-powered approach. Are you in doubt? Well, let us tell you that 88% of our customers use Wallarm WAF in blocking mode!

The setup is almost over: with a simple command you can check if the values.yaml file is valid.

helm lint

If everything looks right (i.e. no error is returned and no chart is marked as failed), then we are ready to deploy the modified Helm chart in the Kubernetes cluster.

helm upgrade RELEASE CHART

where RELEASE is the name of an existing Helm chart, and CHART is the path to the Helm chart directory. For any fine-tuning, our documentation can provide advice and clear instructions.

The very last step, before sending our upgraded bundle in the wild, is a real-world simulation, made possible by Wallarm tools.

Let’s send a malicious test attack to our new bundled application, something like this:


In the Events section of your Wallarm account dashboard, you should find a new attack on the list, describing SQLI and XSS attacks. If you see this, your application is now protected by the Wallarm WAF installed as a sidecar container in your Helm chart bundled application. And this took just 10 minutes!


If you need to deploy your Kubernetes-orchestrated application in a fast, reliable, and maintainable way, bundling it as a Helm chart is a good option. Wallarm WAF installed as a sidecar container is the best solution for making it secure, too, and the configuration process is quick and easy. With less than 10 minutes of setup, your production-grade application will be ready to analyze the requests, blocking the malicious ones and routing the good ones to the healthy pods.
