Analysis for RE and Pwning tasks in CTFs
2020-10-09 02:58:06 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:151 收藏

02 Jul 2017

Influenced by a discussion with @p4n74 and @h3rcul35 on the InfoSecIITR #bin chat. We were discussing on how sometimes beginners struggle to start with a larger challenge binary, especially when it is stripped.

To either solve an RE challenge, or to be able to pwn it, one must first analyze the given binary, in order to be able to effectively exploit it. Since the binary might possibly be stripped etc (found using file) one must know where to begin analysis, to get a foothold to build up from.

There's a few styles of analysis, when looking for vulnerabilities in binaries (and from what I have gathered, different CTF teams have different preferences):

  1. Static Analysis

1.1. Transpiling complete code to C

This kind of analysis is sort of rare, but is quite useful for smaller binaries. The idea is to go in an reverse engineer the entirety of the code. Each and every function is opened in IDA (using the decompiler view), and renaming (shortcut: n) and retyping (shortcut: y) are used to quickly make the decompiled code much more readable. Then, all the code is copied/exported into a separate .c file, which can be compiled to get an equivalent (but not same) binary to the original. Then, source code level analysis can be done, to find vulns etc. Once the point of vulnerability is found, then the exploit is built on the original binary, by following along in the nicely decompiled source in IDA, side by side with the disassembly view (use Tab to quickly switch between the two; and use Space to switch quickly between Graph and Text view for disassembly).

1.2. Minimal analysis of decompilation

This is done quite often, since most of the binary is relatively useless (from the attacker's perspective). You only need to analyze the functions that are suspicious or might lead you to the vuln. To do this, there are some approaches to start off:

1.2.1. Start from main

Now usually, for a stripped binary, even main is not labelled (IDA 6.9 onwards does mark it for you though), but over time, you learn to recognize how to reach the main from the entry point (where IDA opens at by default). You jump to that and start analyzing from there.

1.2.2. Find relevant strings

Sometimes, you know some specific strings that might be outputted etc, that you know might be useful (for example "Congratulations, your flag is %s" for an RE challenge). You can jump to Strings View (shortcut: Shift+F12), find the string, and work backwards using XRefs (shortcut: x). The XRefs let you find the path of functions to that string, by using XRefs on all functions in that chain, until you reach main (or some point that you know).

1.2.3. From some random function

Sometimes, not specific string might be useful, and you don't want to start from main. So instead, you quickly flip through the whole functions list, looking for functions that look suspicious (such as having lots of constants, or lots of xors, etc) or call important functions (XRefs of malloc, free, etc), and you start off from there, and go both forwards (following functions it calls) and backwards (XRefs of the function)

1.3. Pure disassembly analysis

Sometimes, you cannot use the decompilation view (because of weird architecture, or anti-decompilation techniques, or hand written assembly, or decompilation looking too unnecessarily complex). In that case, it is perfectly valid to look purely at the disassembly view. It is extremely useful (for new architectures) to turn on Auto Comments, which shows a comment explaining each instruction. Additionally, the node colorization and group nodes functionalities are immensely helpful. Even if you don't use any of these, regularly marking comments in the disassembly helps a lot. If I am personally doing this, I prefer writing down Python-like comments, so that I can quickly then transpile in manually into Python (especially useful for RE challenges, where you might have to use Z3 etc).

1.4. Using platforms like BAP, etc.

This kind of analysis is (semi-)automated, and is usually more useful for much larger software, and is rarely directly used in CTFs.

  1. Fuzzing

Fuzzing can be an effective technique to quickly get to the vuln, without having to actually understand it initially. By using a fuzzer, one can get a lot of low-hanging-fruit style of vulns, which then need to be analyzed and triaged to get to the actual vuln. See my notes on basics of fuzzing and genetic fuzzing for more info.

  1. Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic Analysis can be used after finding a vuln using static analysis, to help build exploits quickly. Alternatively, it can be used to find the vuln itself. Usually, one starts up the executable inside a debugger, and tries to go along code paths that trigger the bug. By placing breakpoints at the right locations, and analyzing the state of the registers/heap/stack/etc, one can get a good idea of what is going on. One can also use debuggers to quickly identify interesting functions. This can be done, for example, by setting temporary breakpoints on all functions initially; then proceeding to do 2 walks - one through all uninteresting code paths; and one through only a single interesting path. The first walk trips all the uninteresting functions and disables those breakpoints, thereby leaving the interesting ones showing up as breakpoints during the second walk.

My personal style for analysis, is to start with static analysis, usually from main (or for non-console based applications, from strings), and work towards quickly finding a function that looks odd. I then spend time and branch out forwards and backwards from here, regularly writing down comments, and continuously renaming and retyping variables to improve the decompilation. Like others, I do use names like Apple,Banana,Carrot,etc for seemingly useful, but as of yet unknown functions/variables/etc, to make it easier to analyze (keeping track of func_123456 style of names is too difficult for me). I also regularly use the Structures view in IDA to define structures (and enums) to make the decompilation even nicer. Once I find the vuln, I usually move to writing a script with pwntools (and use that to call a gdb.attach()). This way, I can get a lot of control over what is going on. Inside gdb, I usually use plain gdb, though I have added a command peda that loads peda instantly if needed.

My style is definitely evolving though, as I have gotten more comfortable with my tools, and also with custom tools I have written to speed things up. I would be happy to hear of other analysis styles, as well as possible changes to my style that might help me get faster. For any comments/criticisms/praise you have, as always, I can be reached via Twitter @jay_f0xtr0t.
