Return Oriented Programming
2020-10-09 02:58:06 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:171 收藏

04 Jun 2017

Influenced by this awesome live stream by Gynvael Coldwind, where he discusses the basics of ROP, and gives a few tips and tricks

Return Oriented Programming (ROP) is one of the classic exploitation techniques, that is used to bypass the NX (non executable memory) protection. Microsoft has incorporated NX as DEP (data execution prevention). Even Linux etc, have it effective, which means that with this protection, you could no longer place shellcode onto heap/stack and have it execute just by jumping to it. So now, to be able to execute code, you jump into pre-existing code (main binary, or its libraries -- libc, ldd etc on Linux; kernel32, ntdll etc on Windows). ROP comes into existence by re-using fragments of this code that is already there, and figuring out a way to combine those fragments into doing what you want to do (which is of course, HACK THE PLANET!!!).

Originally, ROP started with ret2libc, and then became more advanced over time by using many more small pieces of code. Some might say that ROP is now "dead", due to additional protections to mitigate it, but it still can be exploited in a lot of scenarios (and definitely necessary for many CTFs).

The most important part of ROP, is the gadgets. Gadgets are "usable pieces of code for ROP". That usually means pieces of code that end with a ret (but other kinds of gadgets might also be useful; such as those ending with pop eax; jmp eax etc). We chain these gadgets together to form the exploit, which is known as the ROP chain.

One of the most important assumptions of ROP is that you have control over the stack (i.e., the stack pointer points to a buffer that you control). If this is not true, then you will need to apply other tricks (such as stack pivoting) to gain this control before building a ROP chain.

How do you extract gadgets? Use downloadable tools (such as ropgadget) or online tool (such as ropshell) or write your own tools (might be more useful for more difficult challenges sometimes, since you can tweak it to the specific challenge if need be). Basically, we just need the addresses that we can jump to for these gadgets. This is where there might be a problem with ASLR etc (in which case, you get a leak of the address, before moving on to actually doing ROP).

So now, how do we use these gadgets to make a ropchain? We first look for "basic gadgets". These are gadgets that can do simple tasks for us (such as pop ecx; ret, which can be used to load a value into ecx by placing the gadget, followed by the value to be loaded, followed by rest of chain, which is returned to after the value is loaded). The most useful basic gadgets, are usually "set a register", "store register value at address pointed to by register", etc.

We can build up from these primitive functions to gain higher level functionality (similar to my post titled exploitation abstraction). For example, using the set-register, and store-value-at-address gadgets, we can come up with a "poke" function, that lets us set any specific address with a specific value. Using this, we can build a "poke-string" function that lets us store any particular string at any particular location in memory. Now that we have poke-string, we are basically almost done, since we can create any structures that we want in memory, and can also call any functions we want with the parameters we want (since we can set-register, and can place values on stack).

One of the most important reasons to build from these lower order primitives to larger functions that do more complex things, is to reduce the chances of making mistakes (which is common in ROP otherwise).

There are more complex ideas, techniques, and tips for ROP, but that is possibly a topic for a separate note, for a different time :)

PS: Gyn has a blogpost on Return-Oriented Exploitation that might be worth a read.
