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Protected: CVE‑2021‑1079 – NVIDIA GeForce Experience Command Execution

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Phorum – Full Disclosure

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Recently, a malware known as KeyBase, is "triggering" some of my sensors. KeyBase was distributed in February 2015 and...

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Android (Un)Security Guidelines

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Avactis – Full Disclosure

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Reportage: HackInBo 2014 – Winter Edition

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Da un po’ di tempo a questa parte, un malware conosciuto col nome di KeyBase, è ricomparso nei log...

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SLAE – Assignment #7: Custom Shellcode Crypter

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GHOST, Analisi Tecnica

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Host Header Injection

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Exploiting System Mechanic Driver

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Cybersecurity in Italy

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SLAE – Assignment #1: Bind TCP Shell

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HTML5 Injection

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VPN Leak

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Analysis of the Joomla RCE (CVE-2015-8562)

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Black Hat SEO

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Rubyzip insecure ZIP handling & Metasploit RCE (CVE-2019-5624)

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Cerber Dropper Ransomware Analysis

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Report: Yahoo Messenger

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SLAE – Assignment #2: Reverse TCP Shell

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Tivoli Madness

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Aethra Botnet

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SLAE – Assignment #5: Metasploit Shellcode Analysis

Assignment #5: Metasploit Shellcode Analysis Fifth SLAE’s assignment requires to dissect and analyse three different Linux x86 Metasploit Payload. Metasploit currently...

HackInBo 2016 – Winter Edition

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Tecniche Evasive

Recentemente, per lavoro, ho preso parte a un’operazione di Red Teaming. Ho trovato l’esperienza interessante ed emozionante poiché è...

NewPosThings Hacked & Exposed

Speravamo di riuscire a entrare in contatto con Arbor Networks, che un mese fa, ha pubblicato un interessante articolo...

Report: Ghost Blogging Platform

Advisory: VoidSec-15-001 Disclosure date: March 03, 2015 Vendor: Ghost Advisory sent: January 26, 2015 First delay: February 24,2015   Download the Report Introduzione In Gennaio, il team VoidSec (voidsec, bughardy, smaury) ha...

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Reportage: HackInBo 2015 – Winter Edition

Il 17 Ottobre a Bologna si è tenuta la quinta edizione dell’Hackinbo, l’evento tutto italiano dedicato alla sicurezza informatica,...

.NET Grey Box Approach: Source Code Review & Dynamic Analysis

Following a recent engagement, I had the opportunity to check and verify some possible vulnerabilities on an ASP .NET...

Ransomware Virus Killer

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Trend Watch: Drop Hack

Da molto tempo, la community dei giocatori di LoL (League of Legends) è “colpita” da un noto problema: il...

Skype Social Engineering

Premetto che la tecnica spiegata successivamente non è un hack ma piuttosto, un "difetto" facilmente sfruttabile. Inauguro questa sezione, in...

SLAE – Assignment #3: Egghunter

Assignment #3: Egghunter This time the assignment was very interesting, here the requirements: study an egg hunting shellcode and create...

Report: McDonald’s Wi-fi Login System

Advisory: VoidSec-13-001 Disclosure date: November 24, 2013 CVSS Score: 3.3 Vendor: McDonald's Italia Vulnerability discovery date: May 23, 2013   Scarica il Report [IT] | Download the Report [EN]   Introduzione Il caso...

Pirate’s Night Show

Cos’è il Pirate’s Night Show? Il PNS è un talkshow innovativo che tratta di sicurezza informatica, mescola interessi e scambi...


Instrumenting Electron Apps for Security Testing

This is a re-posting of the original article "Instrumenting Electron Apps for Security Testing" that I have wrote on...

Reportage: HackInBo 2014

Due settimane fa, il 3 Maggio, si è tenuta a Bologna la seconda edizione dell’HackInBo, un evento sulla Sicurezza...

VoidSec CTF: Secure the Flag – Writeup

It has been a while since my last blog post, so I’m (finally) writing the write-up of the: VoidSec... – Full Disclosure

Advisory: VoidSec-15-002 Disclosure date: June18, 2015 Vendor: Advisory sent: June 17, 2015 Paolo Stagno ( aka voidsec – [email protected] ) Luca Poletti ( aka kalup – [email protected]


Una delle piaghe più diffuse nel mondo delle comunicazioni digitali è l’avvento delle botnet, reti di computer infetti utilizzati...