froulet/instagram-spider: An instagram spider for scrapy. Get all the photos from a public instagram account.
2019-08-10 18:10:35 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:220 收藏

Scrapy spider used for saving all the photos and videos from an instagram account without using Instagram API.

Requirements :

  • Python 3
  • Scrapy


To use this spider, make sure that you have Python and Scrapy installed, then use the following command :

scrapy runspider -a account=<name of the account> -a videos=<y or n> -a timestamp=<y or n>

If you don't precise those parameters, they will be asked when you launched the spider.

All the photos and videos will be saved in folder with the name of the account. The timestamp parameter allow you to automatically add the date at beginning of the folder's name.


You can use the --nolog option to avoid all the printed scrapy logs, or --loglevel ERROR to only display the important ones.


If you have trouble calling scrapy after installing it with pip3, try to replace the scrapy command by :
