BPF 进阶笔记(三):BPF Map 内核实现
2021-07-13 09:00:00 Author: arthurchiao.github.io(查看原文) 阅读量:132 收藏

Published at 2021-07-13 | Last Update 2021-07-13


内核目前支持 30 来种 BPF map 类型。

本文整理一些与这些 map 相关的内核实现。

关于 “BPF 进阶笔记” 系列

平时学习使用 BPF 时所整理。由于是笔记而非教程,因此内容不会追求连贯,有基础的 同学可作查漏补缺之用。

文中涉及的代码,如无特殊说明,均基于内核 5.8/5.10 版本。

BPF map 类型:完整列表

所有 map 类型的定义

// include/uapi/linux/bpf.h

enum bpf_map_type {

不同 map 类型支持的操作(xx_map_ops):完整列表

include/linux/bpf_types.h 中定义了不同类型的 BPF map 所支持的操作:

// include/linux/bpf_types.h

BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY,            array_map_ops)             // kernel/bpf/arraymap.c
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY,     percpu_array_map_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY,       prog_array_map_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY, perf_event_array_map_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_CGROUP_ARRAY,     cgroup_array_map_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_CGROUP_STORAGE,   cgroup_storage_map_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH,             htab_map_ops)              // kernel/bpf/hashtab.c
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH,      htab_percpu_map_ops)       // kernel/bpf/hashtab.c
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_LRU_HASH,         htab_lru_map_ops)          // kernel/bpf/hashtab.c
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_LRU_PERCPU_HASH,  htab_lru_percpu_map_ops)   // kernel/bpf/hashtab.c
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_LPM_TRIE,         trie_map_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY_OF_MAPS,    array_of_maps_map_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH_OF_MAPS,     htab_of_maps_map_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_DEVMAP,           dev_map_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_SOCKMAP,          sock_map_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_SOCKHASH,         sock_hash_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_CPUMAP,           cpu_map_ops)
BPF_MAP_TYPE(BPF_MAP_TYPE_XSKMAP,           xsk_map_ops)

大部分实现都在 kernel/bpf/ 目录下。

struct bpf_map:内核 bpf map 结构体

调用 map 的 create 方法创建 map 时,返回的是一个 struct bpf_map * 对象,记录 map 元数据,定义如下:

// include/linux/bpf.h

struct bpf_map {
    // First two cachelines with read-mostly members of which some are also accessed in fast-path (e.g. ops, max_entries).
    const struct bpf_map_ops *ops ____cacheline_aligned; // 增删查改等操作函数
    struct bpf_map *inner_map_meta;

    void *security;

    // 常规 map 属性
    enum bpf_map_type map_type;
    u32 key_size;
    u32 value_size;
    u32 max_entries;
    u32 map_flags;

    int    spin_lock_off; /* >=0 valid offset, <0 error */
    u32    id;
    int    numa_node;
    u32    btf_key_type_id;
    u32    btf_value_type_id;
    struct btf *btf;
    struct bpf_map_memory memory;
    char   name[BPF_OBJ_NAME_LEN];
    u32    btf_vmlinux_value_type_id;
    bool   bypass_spec_v1;
    bool   frozen; /* write-once; write-protected by freeze_mutex */
    /* 22 bytes hole */

    // The 3rd and 4th cacheline with misc members to avoid false sharing particularly with refcounting.
    atomic64_t refcnt ____cacheline_aligned; // 引用计数
    atomic64_t usercnt;                      // 引用计数
    struct work_struct work;
    struct mutex freeze_mutex;
    u64 writecnt; /* writable mmap cnt; protected by freeze_mutex */


  1. refcnt:引用计数,很多类型的 map 是依据 refcnt 是否等于 0 来执行 map GC 的 。更多信息,参考 (译) BPF 对象(BPF objects)的生命周期(Facebook,2018)

Hash map 的实现见 kernel/bpf/hashtab.c。 五种类型共用一套代码:


下图是 BPF hash map 如何组织的

       BPF Hash Map    

  | struct bpf_map map |--> general BPF map (metadata)
  | struct bucket *    |--> bucket linked-list
  | void *elems        |--> elements (hash+key+value), link-listed
  |                    |
  | count, n_buckets,  |--> hash map metadata
  | elem_size, hashrnd |

  1. 内核表示 BPF map 的结构体 struct bpf_map不区 map 分类型 的,因此 hash map 在 BPF map 之上又封装了一层,即 struct bpf_htab表示一个内核 hash map

  2. Hash map 又主要分为两部分:

    1. Buckets:对 key 进行哈希之后找到对应的 buckets,但这里存放的只是 buckets 链表和锁等元数据,不存放数据
    2. Elements:即真正需要存放的数据,也组织成链表。

struct bpf_htab:内核哈希表

前面已经提到,内核 bpf map struct bpf_map 记录的只是通用 map 元数据(不区分 map 类型)。 对于 hash map 来说,真正的数据是存储在哈希表 struct bpf_htab 里:

// kernel/bpf/hashtab.c

// 哈希表(hash table)数据结构
struct bpf_htab {
    struct bpf_map map;      // 这个 hash map 对应的 BPF map(元数据)

    struct bucket *buckets;  // 链表 + 锁
    void *elems;             // 每个 elem 的结构:struct htab_elem + key + value
    union {
        struct pcpu_freelist freelist;
        struct bpf_lru lru;
    struct htab_elem *__percpu *extra_elems;

    atomic_t count;          // element 数量
    u32 n_buckets;           // buckets 数量
    u32 elem_size;           // element 大小,单位 bytes
    u32 hashrnd;             // 哈希随机数

从定义可以看出,这个哈希表支持前面提到个所有 hash map 类型(percpu、lru 等等)。

另外,这个结构体里有三段内存区域,分别存储 bucket 信息、 elements(hash+key+value 等)信息和额外的 elements 信息:

buckets      |  |  |  |  |  | ...      |
elems        |       |        |        | ...                          |
extra_elemes |       |        | ...             | 只有 8 个空间,普通 hash map 用;PERCPU、LRU map 不用。

struct bucket:哈希槽(链表,不存放实际数据)

Bucket 存放的只是链表和锁,并不存放实际数据

// kernel/bpf/hashtab.c

struct bucket {
    struct hlist_nulls_head head;
    union {
        raw_spinlock_t raw_lock;
        spinlock_t     lock;


struct htab_elem:存放 hash+key+value 等数据

存放实际的 map 数据

// kernel/bpf/hashtab.c

struct htab_elem {
    // 不同 hash map 类型特定的字段
    union {
        struct hlist_nulls_node hash_node; // 内核通用链表类型之一 hlist_nulls
        struct {
            void *padding;
            union {
                struct bpf_htab *htab;
                struct pcpu_freelist_node fnode;
                struct htab_elem *batch_flink;
    union {
        struct rcu_head rcu;
        struct bpf_lru_node lru_node;

    // 公共字段
    u32 hash;                 // 哈希值
    char key[] __aligned(8);  // 指针,指向接下来的 key+value 数据


  1. u32 hash:这是对 key 进行哈希之后得到的哈希值
  2. char key[]:这是一个指针,在初始化时会指向 key+value 的连续内存区域

几种不同类型的 hash map 都是在同一套代码中实现的。这里看一下其中最简单的一种:hash map。

首先,注册的操作方法(回调函数)集合见 kernel/bpf/hashtab.c

// kernel/bpf/hashtab.c

const struct bpf_map_ops htab_map_ops = {
    .map_alloc_check   = htab_map_alloc_check,
    .map_alloc         = htab_map_alloc,
    .map_free          = htab_map_free,
    .map_get_next_key  = htab_map_get_next_key,
    .map_lookup_elem   = htab_map_lookup_elem,   // 查找
    .map_update_elem   = htab_map_update_elem,   // 创建或更新
    .map_delete_elem   = htab_map_delete_elem,   // 删除
    .map_gen_lookup    = htab_map_gen_lookup,
    .map_seq_show_elem = htab_map_seq_show_elem,

创建 map:struct bpf_map *htab_map_alloc()


// kernel/bpf/hashtab.c

static struct bpf_map *htab_map_alloc(union bpf_attr *attr)

实现在 kernel/bpf/hashtab.c调用栈

htab_map_alloc                                   # kernel/bpf/hashtab.c
  |-htab = kzalloc(sizeof(*htab), GFP_USER)
  |-bpf_map_init_from_attr(&htab->map, attr)     # 初始化 map 元数据;htab->map 就是 struct bpf_map
  |-htab->n_buckets = ...
  |-htab->elem_size = ...
  |-bpf_map_charge_init(&htab->map.memory, cost) # 确保 map size 不会过大
  | # 分配 bucket 内存
  |-htab->buckets = bpf_map_area_alloc(size, numa_node)                        // kernel/bpf/syscall.c
  |                  |-__bpf_map_area_alloc(size, numa_node, false)
  |                     |-if condition
  |                     |   kmalloc_node(GFP_USER)
  |                     |-else
  |                         __vmalloc_node_range(GFP_KERNEL)
  |-htab->hashrnd = ...                          # 初始化哈希种子
  |-if (prealloc) { # 提前为所有 elements 分配内存
        |-htab->elems = bpf_map_area_alloc(elem_size*n_entries, numa_node);
        |-per-cpu and lru initiazations if needed

      # 分配 extra 内存
      if (!percpu && !lru)       // lru itself can remove the least used element, so
        alloc_extra_elems(htab); // there is no need for an extra elem during map_update
          |-__alloc_percpu_gfp(sizeof(struct htab_elem *), 8, GFP_USER);

前面介绍 struct bpf_htab 结构体时已经提到,这里有三段内存需要分配:

  1. buckets 空间:注意这里的 buckets 并不是用来存 elements 的,只是一 个链表,里面存放了链表、锁等简单数据;
  2. 如果启用了预分配,为一次性为所有 elements 分配内存空间

    预分配的好处是性能更高,因为不需要为每个 element 动态分配内存;坏处也显而易 见,就是一上来就会占用掉这个 map 能占用的最大内存,即使这时 map 还是空的。

    举例:Cilium 有一个 --preallocate-bpf-maps='false' 选项,默认是 false。

  3. extra_elems

查询 map:void *htab_map_lookup_elem()


  1. 根据 key 计算出一个哈希值 hash
  2. hash 作为数组索引,直接定位到对应的 bucket(O(1)),
  3. 顺序遍历 bucket 内的 struct htab_elem 元素,如果 hashkey 都相同,就返回对应的 value 其实地址;否则返回空。这里虽然是顺序遍历,但 除非有哈希冲突,否则第一次就返回了


传入参数是 bpf map 和 key,返回的是 value 的起始地址

// kernel/bpf/hashtab.c

// 返回 value 起始地址
static void *htab_map_lookup_elem(struct bpf_map *map, void *key)
    struct htab_elem *l = __htab_map_lookup_elem(map, key);
    if (l)
        // l->key 指向的是 key+value 的地址,因此 l->key + key_size 指向的才是 value,
        // 此外还需要考虑 key_size 对其 8 字节,因此得到下面一行代码:
        return l->key + round_up(map->key_size, 8);

    return NULL;

static void *__htab_map_lookup_elem(struct bpf_map *map, void *key)
    struct bpf_htab *htab = container_of(map, struct bpf_htab, map);

    hash = htab_map_hash(key, key_size, htab->hashrnd);
    head = select_bucket(htab, hash); // 以 hash 作为数组索引,直接定位到 bucket 起始地址,返回 bucket 内的链表头指针
                                      // 简化之后:head = htab->buckets[hash]->head
    return lookup_nulls_elem_raw(head, hash, key, key_size, htab->n_buckets);

// can be called without bucket lock. it will repeat the loop in
// the unlikely event when elements moved from one bucket into another while link list is being walked
static struct htab_elem *
lookup_nulls_elem_raw(struct hlist_nulls_head *head, u32 hash, void *key, u32 key_size, u32 n_buckets)
    struct hlist_nulls_node *n; // 通用链表类型之一,与普通链表的区别是最后一个元素不是 NULL 指针,而是 'nulls' 元素
    struct htab_elem *l;

    // 顺序遍历 head 指向的(bucket)链表。
    hlist_nulls_for_each_entry_rcu(l, n, head, hash_node)
       if (l->hash == hash && !memcmp(&l->key, key, key_size)) // 哈希值和 key 都相同
           return l;
    // 为便于理解,以上代码展开和简化之后等价于下面的(伪)代码
    // for (n=head; n!=nulls && l=(struct htab_elem *)n->hash_node; n=n->next)
    //     if (l->hash == hash && !memcmp(&l->key, key, key_size)) // 哈希值和 key 都相同
    //         return l;

    if (get_nulls_value(n) != (hash & (n_buckets - 1)))
        goto again;

    return NULL;

插入或更新 map:int htab_map_update_elem()


  • 0:成功
  • 其他:错误码


 |-hash = htab_map_hash(key, key_size, htab->hashrnd)
 |-b = __select_bucket(htab, hash)
 |-l_old = lookup_nulls_elem_raw(head, hash, key, key_size, htab->n_buckets)
 |-if l_old
 |   copy_map_value_locked(map, l_old->key + round_up(key_size, 8), value, false)
 |   return 0
 |-l_old = lookup_elem_raw(head, hash, key, key_size);
 |-check_flags(htab, l_old, map_flags);
 |-l_new = alloc_htab_elem(htab, key, value, key_size, hash, false, false, l_old);
 |          |-if prealloc
 |          |   ...
 |          |-else
 |          |   atomic_inc_return(&htab->count)
 |          |   l_new = kmalloc_node()
 |          |
 |          |-memcpy(l_new->key, key, key_size);
 |          |-copy_map_value(&htab->map, l_new->key + round_up(key_size, 8), value);
 |          |-l_new->hash = hash;
 |          |-return l_new
 |-hlist_nulls_add_head_rcu(&l_new->hash_node, head);
 |-if l_old
 |    hlist_nulls_del_rcu(&l_old->hash_node);
 |    if (!htab_is_prealloc(htab))
 |       free_htab_elem(htab, l_old);
 |-return 0


// kernel/bpf/hashtab.c

/* Called from syscall or from eBPF program */
static int htab_map_update_elem(struct bpf_map *map, void *key, void *value, u64 map_flags)
    struct bpf_htab *htab = container_of(map, struct bpf_htab, map);
    struct htab_elem *l_new = NULL, *l_old;

    key_size = map->key_size;
    hash = htab_map_hash(key, key_size, htab->hashrnd); // 根据 key 计算出一个哈希值

    struct bucket *b = __select_bucket(htab, hash);
    head = &b->head;

    if (unlikely(map_flags & BPF_F_LOCK)) {
        /* find an element without taking the bucket lock */
        l_old = lookup_nulls_elem_raw(head, hash, key, key_size, htab->n_buckets);
        ret = check_flags(htab, l_old, map_flags);
        if (ret)
            return ret;

        if (l_old) { // 如果已经存在:获取 elem lock,然后原地更新 value
            copy_map_value_locked(map, l_old->key + round_up(key_size, 8), value, false);
            return 0;

    // 至此,确认老记录不存在。
    // 接下来:获取 bucket lock 然后再查询一次。99.9% 的概率仍然是查不到,但这一步必须做。
    flags = htab_lock_bucket(htab, b);
    l_old = lookup_elem_raw(head, hash, key, key_size);
    check_flags(htab, l_old, map_flags);

    if (unlikely(l_old && (map_flags & BPF_F_LOCK))) {
        // first lookup without the bucket lock didn't find the element,
        // but second lookup with the bucket lock found it.
        // This case is highly unlikely, but has to be dealt with:
        // grab the element lock in addition to the bucket lock and update element in place
        copy_map_value_locked(map, l_old->key + round_up(key_size, 8), value, false);
        ret = 0;
        goto err;

    // 分配新 element。内部:根据 map 是否是 prealloc 模式,处理逻辑会有所不同
    l_new = alloc_htab_elem(htab, key, value, key_size, hash, false, false, l_old);

    // 插到链表头,so that concurrent search will find it before old elem */
    hlist_nulls_add_head_rcu(&l_new->hash_node, head);

    // 如果老的还在,删掉
    if (l_old) {
        if (!htab_is_prealloc(htab))
            free_htab_elem(htab, l_old);
    ret = 0;

    htab_unlock_bucket(htab, b, flags);
    return ret;

static struct htab_elem *
alloc_htab_elem(struct bpf_htab *htab, void *key, void *value, u32 key_size, u32 hash,
                     bool percpu, bool onallcpus, struct htab_elem *old_elem)
    u32 size = htab->map.value_size;
    bool prealloc = htab_is_prealloc(htab);
    struct htab_elem *l_new, **pl_new;
    void __percpu *pptr;

    if (prealloc) {
        if (old_elem) {
            pl_new = this_cpu_ptr(htab->extra_elems);
            l_new = *pl_new;
            htab_put_fd_value(htab, old_elem);
            *pl_new = old_elem;
        } else {
            struct pcpu_freelist_node *l;

            l = __pcpu_freelist_pop(&htab->freelist);
            l_new = container_of(l, struct htab_elem, fnode);
    } else {
        if (atomic_inc_return(&htab->count) > htab->map.max_entries)
            if (!old_elem) {
                l_new = ERR_PTR(-E2BIG);
                goto dec_count;
        l_new = kmalloc_node(htab->elem_size, GFP_ATOMIC, htab->map.numa_node);
        check_and_init_map_lock(&htab->map, l_new->key + round_up(key_size, 8));

    memcpy(l_new->key, key, key_size);

    if (percpu) {
    } else if (fd_htab_map_needs_adjust(htab)) {
        size = round_up(size, 8);
        memcpy(l_new->key + round_up(key_size, 8), value, size);
    } else {
        copy_map_value(&htab->map, l_new->key + round_up(key_size, 8), value);

    l_new->hash = hash;
    return l_new;
    return l_new;

获取下一个 key:int htab_map_get_next_key(map, key, void *next_key)

为什么要有获取下一个 key 的方法?


获取非第一个 key:

  1. 根据 key 计算一个哈希值 hash
  2. hash 作为数组索引,直接定位到对应的 bucket;
  3. 在该 bucket 内查找给定 key;如果找到,按顺序返回下一个 key。

    这里需要注意的是,下一个 key 可能在当前 bucket,也可能在下一个 bucket

获取第一个 key:没有别的办法,只能顺序遍历 buckets 及每个 buckets 内的各元素。

// kernel/bpf/hashtab.c

/* Called from syscall */
static int htab_map_get_next_key(struct bpf_map *map, void *key, void *next_key)
    struct bpf_htab *htab = container_of(map, struct bpf_htab, map);
    struct htab_elem *l, *next_l;

    key_size = map->key_size;

    if (!key)
        goto find_first_elem;

    hash = htab_map_hash(key, key_size, htab->hashrnd);
    head = select_bucket(htab, hash);

    /* lookup the key */
    l = lookup_nulls_elem_raw(head, hash, key, key_size, htab->n_buckets);
    if (!l)
        goto find_first_elem;

    /* key was found, get next key in the same bucket */
    next_l = hlist_nulls_entry_safe(hlist_nulls_next_rcu(&l->hash_node), struct htab_elem, hash_node);
    if (next_l) { // if next elem in this hash list is non-zero, just return it
        memcpy(next_key, next_l->key, key_size);
        return 0;

    /* no more elements in this hash list, go to the next bucket */
    i = hash & (htab->n_buckets - 1);

    for (; i < htab->n_buckets; i++) { // iterate over buckets
        head = select_bucket(htab, i);

        /* pick first element in the bucket */
        next_l = hlist_nulls_entry_safe(hlist_nulls_first_rcu(head), struct htab_elem, hash_node);
        if (next_l) { // if it's not empty, just return it
            memcpy(next_key, next_l->key, key_size);
            return 0;

    /* iterated over all buckets and all elements */
    return -ENOENT;

为每个 bucket 维护一个 LRU list,bucket 满了之后删除最老的。



都是在 kernel/bpf/arraymap.c 中实现的。


// kernel/bpf/arraymap.c

const struct bpf_map_ops array_map_ops = {
    .map_alloc_check       = array_map_alloc_check,
    .map_alloc             = array_map_alloc,
    .map_free              = array_map_free,
    .map_get_next_key      = array_map_get_next_key,
    .map_lookup_elem       = array_map_lookup_elem,
    .map_update_elem       = array_map_update_elem,
    .map_delete_elem       = array_map_delete_elem,
    .map_gen_lookup        = array_map_gen_lookup,
    .map_direct_value_addr = array_map_direct_value_addr,
    .map_direct_value_meta = array_map_direct_value_meta,
    .map_mmap              = array_map_mmap,
    .map_seq_show_elem     = array_map_seq_show_elem,
    .map_check_btf         = array_map_check_btf,
    .map_lookup_batch      = generic_map_lookup_batch,
    .map_update_batch      = generic_map_update_batch,

相比于 hash map,array map 的实现就简单多了,因为 key 就是数组 index,所以map 的增删查改都是数组操作。

创建 map:struct bpf_map *array_map_alloc()

// kernel/bpf/arraymap.c

static struct bpf_map *array_map_alloc(union bpf_attr *attr)
    bool percpu = attr->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY;
    struct bpf_map_memory mem;
    struct bpf_array *array;

    elem_size = round_up(attr->value_size, 8);
    max_entries = attr->max_entries;
    array_size = sizeof(*array); // 内存要 page-aligned

    bpf_map_charge_init(&mem, cost); // 确保内存不会溢出

    /* allocate all map elements and zero-initialize them */
    if (attr->map_flags & BPF_F_MMAPABLE) {
        /* kmalloc'ed memory can't be mmap'ed, use explicit vmalloc */
        void *data = bpf_map_area_mmapable_alloc(array_size, numa_node);
        array = data + PAGE_ALIGN(sizeof(struct bpf_array)) - offsetof(struct bpf_array, value);
    } else {
        array = bpf_map_area_alloc(array_size, numa_node);

    array->index_mask = index_mask;

    /* copy mandatory map attributes */
    bpf_map_init_from_attr(&array->map, attr);
    bpf_map_charge_move(&array->map.memory, &mem);
    array->elem_size = elem_size;

    return &array->map;

查询 map:void *array_map_lookup_elem()

// kernel/bpf/arraymap.c

/* Called from syscall or from eBPF program */
static void *array_map_lookup_elem(struct bpf_map *map, void *key)
    struct bpf_array *array = container_of(map, struct bpf_array, map);
    u32 index = *(u32 *)key; // 直接将 key 转换成 index

    if (unlikely(index >= array->map.max_entries))
        return NULL;

    return array->value + array->elem_size * (index & array->index_mask);

这种类型的 array 存放的是 BPF 程序的文件描述符(fd),在尾调用时使用。

// kernel/bpf/arraymap.c

const struct bpf_map_ops prog_array_map_ops = {
    .map_alloc_check = fd_array_map_alloc_check,
    .map_alloc = prog_array_map_alloc,
    .map_free = prog_array_map_free,
    .map_poke_track = prog_array_map_poke_track,
    .map_poke_untrack = prog_array_map_poke_untrack,
    .map_poke_run = prog_array_map_poke_run,
    .map_get_next_key = array_map_get_next_key,
    .map_lookup_elem = fd_array_map_lookup_elem,
    .map_delete_elem = fd_array_map_delete_elem,
    .map_fd_get_ptr = prog_fd_array_get_ptr,
    .map_fd_put_ptr = prog_fd_array_put_ptr,
    .map_fd_sys_lookup_elem = prog_fd_array_sys_lookup_elem,
    .map_release_uref = prog_array_map_clear,
    .map_seq_show_elem = prog_array_map_seq_show_elem,
// kernel/bpf/arraymap.c

const struct bpf_map_ops cgroup_array_map_ops = {
    .map_alloc_check = fd_array_map_alloc_check,
    .map_alloc = array_map_alloc,
    .map_free = cgroup_fd_array_free,
    .map_get_next_key = array_map_get_next_key,
    .map_lookup_elem = fd_array_map_lookup_elem,
    .map_delete_elem = fd_array_map_delete_elem,
    .map_fd_get_ptr = cgroup_fd_array_get_ptr,
    .map_fd_put_ptr = cgroup_fd_array_put_ptr,
    .map_check_btf = map_check_no_btf,

管理 attach 到 cgroup 的 BPF 程序。

// kernel/bpf/cgroup.c

const struct bpf_prog_ops cg_dev_prog_ops = {

const struct bpf_verifier_ops cg_dev_verifier_ops = {
    .get_func_proto     = cgroup_dev_func_proto,
    .is_valid_access    = cgroup_dev_is_valid_access,

const struct bpf_verifier_ops cg_sysctl_verifier_ops = {
    .get_func_proto     = sysctl_func_proto,
    .is_valid_access    = sysctl_is_valid_access,
    .convert_ctx_access = sysctl_convert_ctx_access,

const struct bpf_prog_ops cg_sysctl_prog_ops = {

const struct bpf_verifier_ops cg_sockopt_verifier_ops = {
    .get_func_proto     = cg_sockopt_func_proto,
    .is_valid_access    = cg_sockopt_is_valid_access,
    .convert_ctx_access = cg_sockopt_convert_ctx_access,
    .gen_prologue       = cg_sockopt_get_prologue,

const struct bpf_prog_ops cg_sockopt_prog_ops = {


// kernel/bpf/local_storage.c

const struct bpf_map_ops cgroup_storage_map_ops = {
    .map_alloc         = cgroup_storage_map_alloc,
    .map_free          = cgroup_storage_map_free,
    .map_get_next_key  = cgroup_storage_get_next_key,
    .map_lookup_elem   = cgroup_storage_lookup_elem,
    .map_update_elem   = cgroup_storage_update_elem,
    .map_delete_elem   = cgroup_storage_delete_elem,
    .map_check_btf     = cgroup_storage_check_btf,
    .map_seq_show_elem = cgroup_storage_seq_show_elem,


struct bpf_cgroup_storage_map:cgroup storage map 定义

与 hash map 类型,这里定义了一个新结构体来表示 cgroup storage map,这个结构体 将标准 bpf map 嵌套到结构体中作为一个字段

// kernel/bpf/local_storage.c

struct bpf_cgroup_storage_map {
    struct bpf_map map;            // 标准的 bpf map

    spinlock_t               lock;
    struct     bpf_prog_aux *aux;
    struct     rb_root       root;
    struct     list_head     list;

struct bpf_cgroup_storage_key:key 定义

这种类型的 map,key 定义为

// include/uapi/linux/bpf.h

struct bpf_cgroup_storage_key {
    __u64    cgroup_inode_id;    /* cgroup inode id */
    __u32    attach_type;        /* program attach type */


// include/linux/bpf-cgroup.h

struct bpf_storage_buffer {
    struct rcu_head rcu;
    char data[];

struct bpf_cgroup_storage {
    union {
        struct bpf_storage_buffer *buf;
        void __percpu *percpu_buf;

    struct bpf_cgroup_storage_map *map;
    struct bpf_cgroup_storage_key key;

    struct list_head list;
    struct rb_node node;
    struct rcu_head rcu;

struct bpf_cgroup_link {
    struct bpf_link link;
    struct cgroup *cgroup;
    enum bpf_attach_type type;

// Attach 到每个 cgroup 的 BPF 程序组成一个链表
struct bpf_prog_list {
    struct list_head node;
    struct bpf_prog *prog;
    struct bpf_cgroup_link *link;

    struct bpf_cgroup_storage *storage[MAX_BPF_CGROUP_STORAGE_TYPE];

struct cgroup_bpf {
    // 这个 cgroup 内的有效 BPF 程序
    struct bpf_prog_array __rcu *effective[MAX_BPF_ATTACH_TYPE];

    // attach 到这个 cgroup 的 BPF 程序
    struct list_head progs[MAX_BPF_ATTACH_TYPE];
    // attach flags
    // * flags == 0 or BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE the progs list will have either zero or one element
    // * BPF_F_ALLOW_MULTI the list can have up to BPF_CGROUP_MAX_PROGS
    u32 flags[MAX_BPF_ATTACH_TYPE];

    /* temp storage for effective prog array used by prog_attach/detach */
    struct bpf_prog_array *inactive;

    /* reference counter used to detach bpf programs after cgroup removal */
    struct percpu_ref refcnt;

    /* cgroup_bpf is released using a work queue */
    struct work_struct release_work;

创建 map:struct bpf_map *cgroup_storage_map_alloc(union bpf_attr *attr)

// kernel/bpf/local_storage.c

static struct bpf_map *cgroup_storage_map_alloc(union bpf_attr *attr)
    int numa_node = bpf_map_attr_numa_node(attr);
    struct bpf_cgroup_storage_map *map;
    struct bpf_map_memory mem;

    if (attr->max_entries) /* max_entries is not used and enforced to be 0 */
        return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);

    bpf_map_charge_init(&mem, sizeof(struct bpf_cgroup_storage_map));

    map = kmalloc_node(sizeof(struct bpf_cgroup_storage_map), __GFP_ZERO | GFP_USER, numa_node);
    bpf_map_charge_move(&map->map.memory, &mem);

    bpf_map_init_from_attr(&map->map, attr); // 初始化(复制)map 元数据字段

    map->root = RB_ROOT;

    return &map->map;

初始化指定类型的 cgroup storage:struct bpf_cgroup_storage *bpf_cgroup_storage_alloc()

一个 cgroup 内的所有 BPF 程序组织成一个链表 struct bpf_prog_list,这些程序共用一组 cgroup storage(按类型组织成数 组)。在将 BPF 程序 attach 到 cgroup 时,会有如下的调用栈:

  |-bpf_cgroup_storages_alloc(storage, prog ? : link->link.prog)
      |-for_each_cgroup_storage_type(stype) {
          storages[stype] = bpf_cgroup_storage_alloc(prog, stype);
// kernel/bpf/local_storage.c

struct bpf_cgroup_storage *bpf_cgroup_storage_alloc(struct bpf_prog *prog, enum bpf_cgroup_storage_type stype)
    struct bpf_cgroup_storage *storage;
    struct bpf_map *map;

    map = prog->aux->cgroup_storage[stype];
    size = bpf_cgroup_storage_calculate_size(map, &pages);

    if (bpf_map_charge_memlock(map, pages))
        return ERR_PTR(-EPERM);

    storage = kmalloc_node(sizeof(struct bpf_cgroup_storage), __GFP_ZERO | GFP_USER, map->numa_node);

    flags = __GFP_ZERO | GFP_USER;

    if (stype == BPF_CGROUP_STORAGE_SHARED) {
        storage->buf = kmalloc_node(size, flags, map->numa_node);
        check_and_init_map_lock(map, storage->buf->data);
    } else {
        storage->percpu_buf = __alloc_percpu_gfp(size, 8, flags);

    storage->map = (struct bpf_cgroup_storage_map *)map;
    return storage;
// kernel/bpf/stackmap.c

const struct bpf_map_ops stack_trace_map_ops = {
    .map_alloc = stack_map_alloc,
    .map_free = stack_map_free,
    .map_get_next_key = stack_map_get_next_key,
    .map_lookup_elem = stack_map_lookup_elem,
    .map_update_elem = stack_map_update_elem,
    .map_delete_elem = stack_map_delete_elem,
    .map_check_btf = map_check_no_btf,
// kernel/bpf/queue_stack_maps.c

const struct bpf_map_ops stack_map_ops = {
    .map_alloc_check = queue_stack_map_alloc_check,
    .map_alloc = queue_stack_map_alloc,
    .map_free = queue_stack_map_free,
    .map_lookup_elem = queue_stack_map_lookup_elem,
    .map_update_elem = queue_stack_map_update_elem,
    .map_delete_elem = queue_stack_map_delete_elem,
    .map_push_elem = queue_stack_map_push_elem,
    .map_pop_elem = stack_map_pop_elem,
    .map_peek_elem = stack_map_peek_elem,
    .map_get_next_key = queue_stack_map_get_next_key,
// kernel/bpf/ringbuf.c

const struct bpf_map_ops ringbuf_map_ops = {
    .map_alloc = ringbuf_map_alloc,
    .map_free = ringbuf_map_free,
    .map_mmap = ringbuf_map_mmap,
    .map_poll = ringbuf_map_poll,
    .map_lookup_elem = ringbuf_map_lookup_elem,
    .map_update_elem = ringbuf_map_update_elem,
    .map_delete_elem = ringbuf_map_delete_elem,
    .map_get_next_key = ringbuf_map_get_next_key,


前面的都是实现在 kernel/bpf/ 目录下,而这个的实现是net/core/sock_map.c

const struct bpf_map_ops sock_map_ops = {
    .map_alloc                = sock_map_alloc,
    .map_free                 = sock_map_free,
    .map_get_next_key         = sock_map_get_next_key,
    .map_lookup_elem_sys_only = sock_map_lookup_sys,
    .map_update_elem          = sock_map_update_elem,
    .map_delete_elem          = sock_map_delete_elem,
    .map_lookup_elem          = sock_map_lookup,
    .map_release_uref         = sock_map_release_progs,
    .map_check_btf            = map_check_no_btf,
// kernel/bpf/reuseport_array.c

const struct bpf_map_ops reuseport_array_ops = {
    .map_alloc_check = reuseport_array_alloc_check,
    .map_alloc = reuseport_array_alloc,
    .map_free = reuseport_array_free,
    .map_lookup_elem = reuseport_array_lookup_elem,
    .map_get_next_key = reuseport_array_get_next_key,
    .map_delete_elem = reuseport_array_delete_elem,

配合 BPF_PROG_TYPE_SK_REUSEPORT 类型的 BPF 程序使用,加速 socket 查找

前面的都是实现在 kernel/bpf/ 目录下,而这个的实现是net/core/sock_map.c

const struct bpf_map_ops sock_hash_ops = {
    .map_alloc                = sock_hash_alloc,
    .map_free                 = sock_hash_free,
    .map_get_next_key         = sock_hash_get_next_key,
    .map_update_elem          = sock_hash_update_elem,
    .map_delete_elem          = sock_hash_delete_elem,
    .map_lookup_elem          = sock_hash_lookup,
    .map_lookup_elem_sys_only = sock_hash_lookup_sys,
    .map_release_uref         = sock_hash_release_progs,
    .map_check_btf            = map_check_no_btf,


功能与 sockmap 类似,但用于 XDP 场景,在 bpf_redirect() 时触发。


const struct bpf_map_ops dev_map_hash_ops = {
    .map_alloc = dev_map_alloc,
    .map_free = dev_map_free,
    .map_get_next_key = dev_map_hash_get_next_key,
    .map_lookup_elem = dev_map_hash_lookup_elem,
    .map_update_elem = dev_map_hash_update_elem,
    .map_delete_elem = dev_map_hash_delete_elem,
    .map_check_btf = map_check_no_btf,


// kernel/bpf/queue_stack_maps.c

const struct bpf_map_ops queue_map_ops = {
    .map_alloc_check = queue_stack_map_alloc_check,
    .map_alloc = queue_stack_map_alloc,
    .map_free = queue_stack_map_free,
    .map_lookup_elem = queue_stack_map_lookup_elem,
    .map_update_elem = queue_stack_map_update_elem,
    .map_delete_elem = queue_stack_map_delete_elem,
    .map_push_elem = queue_stack_map_push_elem,
    .map_pop_elem = queue_map_pop_elem,
    .map_peek_elem = queue_map_peek_elem,
    .map_get_next_key = queue_stack_map_get_next_key,
// kernel/bpf/lpm_trie.c

const struct bpf_map_ops trie_map_ops = {
    .map_alloc = trie_alloc,
    .map_free = trie_free,
    .map_get_next_key = trie_get_next_key,
    .map_lookup_elem = trie_lookup_elem,
    .map_update_elem = trie_update_elem,
    .map_delete_elem = trie_delete_elem,
    .map_check_btf = trie_check_btf,

文章来源: https://arthurchiao.github.io/blog/bpf-advanced-notes-3-zh/