Running Jamf Pro actions from outside Jamf Pro
2021-11-02 00:38:24 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:38 收藏

Home > Jamf Pro, Mac administration, macOS, Scripting > Running Jamf Pro actions from outside Jamf Pro

Running Jamf Pro actions from outside Jamf Pro

Every so often, I need to have Jamf Pro perform actions where it’s difficult to arrange the timing and task order I want using the options available from the Jamf Pro server’s end. An example of this would be following an OS upgrade. I want the following:

  • Update the computer inventory record in Jamf Pro as soon as possible that the OS upgrade has occurred.
  • Don’t interfere with any other processes that Jamf Pro may be running at that time.

To address this, I want to use the following workflow:

  1. Make sure the Jamf Pro agent hasn’t run anything for at least the last five minutes.
  2. Enforce the Jamf Pro agent’s management framework
  3. Send the Jamf Pro server an updated inventory.

To run these tasks, I’m using a self-destructing LaunchDaemon and script. For more details, please see below the jump.

I’ve written an example script, which does the following:

  • Creates a LaunchDaemon
  • Creates a script in /var/root which is triggered to run by the LaunchDaemon

Once triggered to run, the script stored in /var/root verifies that the Mac can communicate with the Jamf Pro server. Once communication is verified, it takes the following actions:

  • Checks to see if the /var/log/jamf.log file has been modified in the previous five minutes.
  • Once it has been verified that the /var/log/jamf.log file has not been modified for at least the last five minutes, the script runs the following functions:
  1. Runs jamf manage to enforce the management framework using the latest available data from the Jamf Pro server
  2. Runs jamf recon to send an updated inventory to the Jamf Pro server
  3. Deletes LaunchDaemon file
  4. Deletes script file
  5. Unloads LaunchDaemon

Note: The order for deletion and unloading is important. If the LaunchDaemon is unloaded before the script deletes the LaunchDaemon’s and script’s file, LaunchD will stop the script’s run at the point where the LaunchDaemon unload command occurred. Both the script and LaunchDaemon are in the computer’s memory, so it’s possible to delete the files before the script unloads the LaunchDaemon from LaunchD.

This script is available below and also from GitHub at the following location:

# Script for use with Jamf Pro when you want to trigger an update of the management framework, followed by an inventory update.
# The LaunchDaemon and accompanying script created by running this script verifies that the Mac can communicate with the Jamf Pro server.
# Once communication is verified, it takes the following actions:
# Checks to see if the /var/log/jamf.log file has been modified in the previous five minutes.
# Once it has been verified that the /var/log/jamf.log file has not been modified for at least the last five minutes,
# the script runs the following functions:
# Runs jamf manage to enforce the management framework using the latest available data from the Jamf Pro server
# Runs jamf recon to send an updated inventory to the Jamf Pro server
# Deletes LaunchDaemon file
# Deletes script file
# Unloads LaunchDaemon
# Note: The "" script which is part of this script has the following variable set:
# jamfpro_server_port="443"
# This port is correct for all Jamf Cloud-hosted installations of Jamf Pro.
# If your Jamf Pro server is not using port 443, please change this port to the correct number.
# For on-premise Jamf Pro installations, this port is most commonly port 8443. If your Jamf Pro
# server is using port 8443, the variable should look like this:
# jamfpro_server_port="8443"
# If any previous instances of the runjamfproinventoryupdate LaunchDaemon and script exist,
# unload the LaunchDaemon and remove the LaunchDaemon and script files
if [[ -n $(/bin/launchctl list | grep "com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate") ]]; then
/bin/launchctl bootout system/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate
# Delete LaunchDaemon and script files files if they exist
/bin/rm -f \
"/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate.plist" \
# Create the runjamfproinventoryupdate LaunchDaemon by using cat input redirection
# to write the XML contained below to a new file.
# The LaunchDaemon will run at load and every minute thereafter.
temp_directory=$(mktemp -d)
/bin/cat > "$temp_directory/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate.plist" << 'JAMF_PRO_INVENTORY_UPDATE_LAUNCHDAEMON'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt;
<plist version="1.0">
# Create the runjamfproinventoryupdate script by using cat input redirection
# to write the shell script contained below to a new file.
/bin/cat > "$temp_directory/" << 'JAMF_PRO_INVENTORY_UPDATE_SCRIPT'
jamfpro_server_address=$(/usr/bin/defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist jss_url)
CheckSiteNetwork (){
# CheckSiteNetwork function adapted from Facebook's check_corp function script.
# check_corp script available on Facebook's IT-CPE Github repo:
# check_corp:
# This script verifies a system is on the corporate network.
# Input: CORP_URL= set this to a hostname on your corp network
# Optional ($1) contains a parameter that is used for testing.
# Output: Returns a check_corp variable that will return "True" if on
# corp network, "False" otherwise.
# If a parameter is passed ($1), the check_corp variable will return it
# This is useful for testing scripts where you want to force check_corp
# to be either "True" or "False"
# check_corp # No parameter passed
# check_corp "True" # Parameter of "True" is passed and returned
ping=$(host -W .5 $jamfpro_server_address)
# If the ping fails – site_network="False"
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && site_network="True"
# Check if we are using a test
[[ -n "$1" ]] && site_network="$1"
CheckTomcat (){
# Verifies that the JSS's Tomcat service is responding.
tomcat_chk=$(nc -z -w 5 $jamfpro_server_address $jamfpro_server_port > /dev/null; echo $?)
if [ "$tomcat_chk" -eq 0 ]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Machine can connect to $jamfpro_server_address. Proceeding."
/usr/bin/logger "Machine cannot connect to $jamfpro_server_address. Exiting."
exit 0
CheckLogAge (){
# Verifies that the /var/log/jamf.log hasn't been written to for at least five minutes.
# This should help ensure that both an inventory update and check-in can run and not
# have to wait for a policy to finish running.
current_time=$(date +%s)
last_modified=$(stat -f %m "$jamf_log")
if [[ $(($current_time-$last_modified)) -gt 300 ]]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Log has not been modified in the past five minutes. Proceeding."
/usr/bin/logger "Log has been modified in the past five minutes. Exiting."
exit 0
UpdateManagementAndInventory (){
# Verifies that the Mac can communicate with the Jamf Pro server.
# Once communication is verified, it takes the following actions:
# 1. Runs jamf manage to enforce the Jamf Pro management framework
# 2. Runs jamf recon to send an updated inventory to the Jamf Pro server
jss_comm_chk=$($jamf_binary checkJSSConnection > /dev/null; echo $?)
if [[ "$jss_comm_chk" -gt 0 ]]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Machine cannot connect to the JSS. Exiting."
exit 0
elif [[ "$jss_comm_chk" -eq 0 ]]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Machine can connect to the JSS. Updating management framework and updating inventory."
$jamf_binary manage
$jamf_binary recon
SelfDestruct (){
# Removes script and associated LaunchDaemon
if [[ -f "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate.plist" ]]; then
/bin/rm "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate.plist"
rm -rf $0
if [[ -n $(/bin/launchctl list | grep "com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate") ]]; then
/bin/launchctl bootout system/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate
if [[ "$site_network" == "False" ]]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Unable to verify access to site network. Exiting."
if [[ "$site_network" == "True" ]]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Access to site network verified"
exit 0
# Once the LaunchDaemon file has been created, fix the permissions
# so that the file is owned by root:wheel and set to not be executable
# After the permissions have been updated, move the LaunchDaemon into
# place in /Library/LaunchDaemons.
/usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${temp_directory}/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate.plist"
/bin/chmod 644 "${temp_directory}/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate.plist"
/bin/chmod a-x "${temp_directory}/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate.plist"
/bin/mv "${temp_directory}/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate.plist" "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate.plist"
# Once the script file has been created, fix the permissions
# so that the file is owned by root:wheel and set to be executable
# After the permissions have been updated, move the script into the
# place that it will be executed from.
/usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "$temp_directory/"
/bin/chmod 755 "$temp_directory/"
/bin/chmod a+x "$temp_directory/"
/bin/mv "$temp_directory/" "/var/root/"
# After the LaunchDaemon and script are in place with proper permissions,
# load the LaunchDaemon to begin the script's execution.
if [[ -f "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate.plist" ]] && [[ -x "/var/root/" ]]; then
/bin/launchctl bootstrap system "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfproinventoryupdate.plist"
# Remove temp directory
/bin/rm -rf "$temp_directory"
exit 0

This technique is pretty flexible and can be used to trigger other tasks with Jamf Pro. One example would be triggering installation of a particular software package faster than usual. In this scenario, you may have a particular software installation which is a module for X software, but only members of a specific LDAP are supposed to get that module. So the module is set for installation on check-in and scoped as follows:

  • Target: Macs with X software installed.
  • Limitation: LDAP group
  • Exclusion: Macs with Module Installed.

Your check-in is scheduled to happen every fifteen minutes, but you get feedback from management that this process can’t wait fifteen minutes. It needs to happen within five minutes or sooner. No problem; this technique can be adapted to do the following:

  1. Runs jamf recon to send an updated inventory to the Jamf Pro server (to make sure that the module installation policy has the Mac in scope.)
  2. Runs jamf policy to trigger installation of the module.
  3. Deletes LaunchDaemon file
  4. Deletes script file
  5. Unloads LaunchDaemon

After that, add the script to your X Software install policy and set it to run as an After script. The module should now install within five minutes if installing X software was the last action taken by Jamf Pro.

An example script is available below:

# Script for use with Jamf Pro when you want to trigger an inventory update followed by a policy check-in.
# The LaunchDaemon and accompanying script created by running this script verifies that the Mac can communicate with the Jamf Pro server.
# Once communication is verified, it takes the following actions:
# Checks to see if the /var/log/jamf.log file has been modified in the previous five minutes.
# Once it has been verified that the /var/log/jamf.log file has not been modified for at least the last five minutes,
# the script runs the following functions:
# Runs jamf recon to to send an updated inventory to the Jamf Pro server
# Runs jamf policy to force a check-in and run whatever policies are available to run on check-in.
# Deletes LaunchDaemon file
# Deletes script file
# Unloads LaunchDaemon
# Note: The "" script which is part of this script has the following variable set:
# jamfpro_server_port="443"
# This port is correct for all Jamf Cloud-hosted installations of Jamf Pro.
# If your Jamf Pro server is not using port 443, please change this port to the correct number.
# For on-premise Jamf Pro installations, this port is most commonly port 8443. If your Jamf Pro
# server is using port 8443, the variable should look like this:
# jamfpro_server_port="8443"
# If any previous instances of the runjamfprocheckin LaunchDaemon and script exist,
# unload the LaunchDaemon and remove the LaunchDaemon and script files
if [[ -n $(/bin/launchctl list | grep "com.github.runjamfprocheckin") ]]; then
/bin/launchctl bootout system/com.github.runjamfprocheckin
# Delete LaunchDaemon and script files files if they exist
/bin/rm -f \
"/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfprocheckin.plist" \
# Create the runjamfprocheckin LaunchDaemon by using cat input redirection
# to write the XML contained below to a new file.
# The LaunchDaemon will run at load and every minute thereafter.
temp_directory=$(mktemp -d)
/bin/cat > "$temp_directory/com.github.runjamfprocheckin.plist" << 'JAMF_PRO_CHECKIN_LAUNCHDAEMON'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt;
<plist version="1.0">
# Create the runjamfprocheckin script by using cat input redirection
# to write the shell script contained below to a new file.
/bin/cat > "$temp_directory/" << 'JAMF_PRO_CHECKIN_SCRIPT'
jamfpro_server_address=$(/usr/bin/defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist jss_url)
CheckSiteNetwork (){
# CheckSiteNetwork function adapted from Facebook's check_corp function script.
# check_corp script available on Facebook's IT-CPE Github repo:
# check_corp:
# This script verifies a system is on the corporate network.
# Input: CORP_URL= set this to a hostname on your corp network
# Optional ($1) contains a parameter that is used for testing.
# Output: Returns a check_corp variable that will return "True" if on
# corp network, "False" otherwise.
# If a parameter is passed ($1), the check_corp variable will return it
# This is useful for testing scripts where you want to force check_corp
# to be either "True" or "False"
# check_corp # No parameter passed
# check_corp "True" # Parameter of "True" is passed and returned
ping=$(host -W .5 $jamfpro_server_address)
# If the ping fails – site_network="False"
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && site_network="True"
# Check if we are using a test
[[ -n "$1" ]] && site_network="$1"
CheckTomcat (){
# Verifies that the JSS's Tomcat service is responding.
tomcat_chk=$(nc -z -w 5 $jamfpro_server_address $jamfpro_server_port > /dev/null; echo $?)
if [ "$tomcat_chk" -eq 0 ]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Machine can connect to $jamfpro_server_address. Proceeding."
/usr/bin/logger "Machine cannot connect to $jamfpro_server_address. Exiting."
exit 0
CheckLogAge (){
# Verifies that the /var/log/jamf.log hasn't been written to for at least five minutes.
# This should help ensure that both an inventory update and check-in can run and not
# have to wait for a policy to finish running.
current_time=$(date +%s)
last_modified=$(stat -f %m "$jamf_log")
if [[ $(($current_time-$last_modified)) -gt 300 ]]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Log has not been modified in the past five minutes. Proceeding."
/usr/bin/logger "Log has been modified in the past five minutes. Exiting."
exit 0
UpdateInventoryAndRunCheckin (){
# Verifies that the Mac can communicate with the Jamf Pro server.
# Once communication is verified, it takes the following actions:
# 1. Runs jamf recon to send an updated inventory to the Jamf Pro server
# 2. Runs jamf policy to run any policies which run on check-in
jss_comm_chk=$($jamf_binary checkJSSConnection > /dev/null; echo $?)
if [[ "$jss_comm_chk" -gt 0 ]]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Machine cannot connect to the JSS. Exiting."
exit 0
elif [[ "$jss_comm_chk" -eq 0 ]]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Machine can connect to the JSS. Updating inventory and doing policy check-in."
$jamf_binary recon
$jamf_binary policy
SelfDestruct (){
# Removes script and associated LaunchDaemon
if [[ -f "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfprocheckin.plist" ]]; then
/bin/rm "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfprocheckin.plist"
rm -rf $0
if [[ -n $(/bin/launchctl list | grep "com.github.runjamfprocheckin") ]]; then
/bin/launchctl bootout system/com.github.runjamfprocheckin
if [[ "$site_network" == "False" ]]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Unable to verify access to site network. Exiting."
if [[ "$site_network" == "True" ]]; then
/usr/bin/logger "Access to site network verified"
exit 0
# Once the LaunchDaemon file has been created, fix the permissions
# so that the file is owned by root:wheel and set to not be executable
# After the permissions have been updated, move the LaunchDaemon into
# place in /Library/LaunchDaemons.
/usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${temp_directory}/com.github.runjamfprocheckin.plist"
/bin/chmod 644 "${temp_directory}/com.github.runjamfprocheckin.plist"
/bin/chmod a-x "${temp_directory}/com.github.runjamfprocheckin.plist"
/bin/mv "${temp_directory}/com.github.runjamfprocheckin.plist" "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfprocheckin.plist"
# Once the script file has been created, fix the permissions
# so that the file is owned by root:wheel and set to be executable
# After the permissions have been updated, move the script into the
# place that it will be executed from.
/usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "$temp_directory/"
/bin/chmod 755 "$temp_directory/"
/bin/chmod a+x "$temp_directory/"
/bin/mv "$temp_directory/" "/var/root/"
# After the LaunchDaemon and script are in place with proper permissions,
# load the LaunchDaemon to begin the script's execution.
if [[ -f "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfprocheckin.plist" ]] && [[ -x "/var/root/" ]]; then
/bin/launchctl bootstrap system "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.runjamfprocheckin.plist"
# Remove temp directory
/bin/rm -rf "$temp_directory"
exit 0
