Scholarship Results
2021-11-26 05:03:00 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:24 收藏

It’s time to sum up the results of the 2021 scholarship!

As you know, we extended the scholarship for 1 month until October 30th because there were many applications and few finished papers.

By October 30 the situation had not changed, only 1 essay had been added and became 4, the number of applications had increased to 160 pieces, and some people were still sending in applications… 

The Wallarm Scholarship 2021 will not be drawn due to the low activity and quality of essays submitted. Unfortunately, this is true, and it is also food for thought for us in promoting future scholarships.

We had planned to publish the best essays on our blog and interview the winner, but unfortunately, we did not receive quality material. 

Keep an eye on our blog and study the Whats articles and documentation, this should help in your study of cybersecurity 

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