Empirically Assessing Windows Service Hardening
2020-1-2 02:26:0 Author: www.tiraniddo.dev(查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

In the past few years there's been numerous exploits for service to system privilege escalation. Primarily they revolve around the fact that system services typically have impersonation privilege. What this means is given access to a suitable token handle of an administrator (say through the Rotten Potato attack) you can impersonate and elevate from a lower-privileged service account to SYSTEM. The problem for discovers of these attacks is that Microsoft do not consider them something which needs to be fixed with a security bulletin, as having SeImpersonatePrivilege is basically a massive security hole. However MS go and fix them silently making it unclear if they care or not.

Of course, none of this is really new, Cesar Cerrudo detailed these sorts of service attacks in Token Kidnapping and Token Kidnapping's Revenge. The novel element recently is how to get hold of the access token, for example via negotiating local NTLM authentication. Microsoft seem to have been fighting this fire for almost 10 years and still have not gotten it right. In shades of UAC, a significant security push to make services more isolated and secure has been basically abandoned because (presumably) MS realized it was an indefensible boundary.

That's not to say there hasn't been interesting service account to SYSTEM bugs which Microsoft have fixed. The most recent example is CVE-2019-1322 which was independently discovered by multiple parties (DonkeysTeamIlias Dimopoulos and Edward Torkington/Phillip Langlois of NCC). To understand the bug you probably should read up one of the write-ups (NCC one here) but the gist is, the Update Orchestrator Service has a service security descriptor which allowed "NT AUTHORITY\SERVICE" full access. It so happens that all system services, including lower-privileged ones have this group and so you could reconfigure the service (which was running as SYSTEM) to point to any other binary giving a direct service to SYSTEM privilege escalation.

That begs the question, why was CVE-2019-1322 special enough to be fixed and not issues related to impersonation? Perhaps it's because this issue didn't rely on impersonate privileges being present? It is possible to configure services to not have impersonate privilege, so presumably if you could go from a non-impersonate service to an impersonate service that would count as a boundary? Again probably not, for example this bug which abuses the scheduled task service to regain impersonate privilege wouldn't likely be fixed by Microsoft.

That lack of clarity is why I tweeted to Nate Warfield and ultimately to Matt Miller asking for some advice with respect to the MSRC Security Servicing Guidelines. The result is, even if the service doesn't have impersonate privilege it wouldn't be a defended boundary if all you get is the same user with additional privileges as you can't block yourself from compromising yourself. This is the UAC argument over again, but IMO there's a crucial difference, Windows Service Hardening (WSH) was supposed to fix this problem for us in Vista. Unsurprisingly Cesar Cerrudo also did a presentation about this at the inaugural (maybe?) Infiltrate in 2011.

The question I had was, is WSH still as broken as it was in 2011? Has anything changed which made WSH finally live up to its goal of making a service compromise not equal to a full system compromise? To determine that I thought I'd run an experiment on Windows 10 1909. I'm only interested in the features which WSH touches which led me to the following hypothesis:

"Under Windows Service Hardening one service without impersonate privilege can't write to the resources of another service which does have the privilege, even if the same user, preventing full system compromise."

The hypothesis makes the assumption that if you can write to another service's resources then it's possible to compromise that other service. If that other service has SeImpersonatePrivilege then that inevitably leads to full system compromise. Of course that's not necessarily the case, the resource being written to might be uninteresting, however as a proxy this is sufficient as the goal of WSH is to prevent one service modifying the data of another even though they are the same underlying user.

WSH Details

Before going into more depth on the experiment, let's quickly go through the various features of WSH and how they're expressed. If you know all this you can skip to the description of the experiment and the results.

Limited Service Accounts and Reduced Privilege

This feature is by far the oldest attempt to harden services, the introduction of the LOCAL SERVICE (LS) and NETWORK SERVICE (NS) accounts. Prior to the accounts introduction there was only two ways of configuring the user for a system service on Windows, either the fully privileged SYSTEM account or creating a local/domain user which has the "Log on as a Service" right. The two accounts where introduced in XP SP2 (I believe) after worms such as Blaster basically got SYSTEM privilege through remotely attacking exposed services. The two service accounts are not administrator accounts which means they shouldn't be able to directly compromise the system. The accounts are very similar on Windows 10 1909, they are both assigned the following groups*:





NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users



NT AUTHORITY\This Organization

* Technically this isn't 100% accurate, on my machine the LS account has some extra capability groups, but we'll ignore those for this blog post.

No Administrator group in sight. Each service token gets a unique Logon Session ID SID which will be important later. The service accounts also have a limited set of privileges, as shown below:












† NETWORK SERVICE doesn't have SeSystemTimePrivilege.

The two privileges I've highlighted, SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege and SeImpersonatePrivilege give these accounts effectively full system access when combined with a suitable privileged token. Part of WSH is also giving control over what privileges the service account actually requires. The default is to allow all privileges, however when configuring a service you can specify a list of privileges to restrict the service to. For example the CDPSvc service is configured to only require SeImpersonatePrivilege. Quite why they bother to put this restriction on the service I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

What's the difference between LS and NS? The primary difference is LS has no network credentials, so accessing network resources as that user would only succeed as an anonymous login. NS on the other hand is created with the credentials of the computer account and so can interact with the network for resources allowed by that authentication. This only really matters to domain joined machines, standalone machines would not share the computer account with anyone else.

Per-Service SID

The first big addition in WSH was the Per-Service SID. This SID is automatically added to the group list of default groups shown previously by the SCM when creating the service's primary token. The service SID is also added with the SE_GROUP_OWNER flag set and is not mandatory, which means it can be set as the token's default owner when creating new resources and it can disabled. The basic idea is a service can ACL its resources to this SID to prevent other services from accessing them. The use of a service SID is optional, but the majority of default services are configured to use it. An example SID for CDPSvc is as follows:


The SID is derived by generating a SHA1 hash of the service name and adding that as the SID's RIDs (with an extra 80 at the start to signify it's a service SID). The use of a hash should make it extremely unlikely two services would generate the same SID.

Of course it's up to the service to actually ACL their resources appropriately. To aid in that the token's default DACL is also configured to the following (for CDPSvc):

- Type  : Allowed


- Access: Full Access

- Type  : Allowed


- Access: ReadControl

- Type  : Allowed


- Access: Full Access

The three entries grant SYSTEM and the service SID full access to any resources with this DACL. It then limits the owner of the resource through OWNER RIGHTS to only READ_CONTROL access. This directly prevents one service account accessing the resources of another for write access. Unfortunately the default DACL is only applied when there's no other access control specified, either explicitly at creation time or due to inheritance. 

One other thing to point out is that Windows still has shared services through the use of SVCHOST. If multiple services are registered in a specific SVCHOST instance then the SCM will create the token with all service SIDs in the group list and default DACL even if a service isn't currently loaded in the host. That has become less of an issue since Windows 1703, as long as you have greater that 3.5GB of RAM services will run in separate SVCHOST instances and all services will be totally separate.

Write-Restricted Token

The second big addition to WSH was the concept of Write-Restricted (WR) tokens. Restricted token's have existed since Windows 2000 and are created using the NtFilterToken system call. The basic concept is the token can have a list of additional groups which are consulted when ever an access check is performed. First the access check is run on the default group list, if access would be granted the access check is run again on the restricted SIDs. If the second check is successful then the access check passes, if not access is denied. 

Restricted tokens are used for sandboxing (such as in Chrome) but are difficult to setup correctly as it blocks all access equally including reading critical files on disk. WR tokens solve the access problem by only blocking write access but leaving read and execute access alone. 

In order for a service configured as WR to write to a resource the associated security descriptor must contain the required access for one of the following restricted SIDs.





The WRITE RESTRICTED SID is a special group SID which resources can apply if they expect a service to write to the resource. This SID is also added to the token's groups by the SCM so that it can be used to pass both checks. By combining service SIDs and WR the amount of resources a service can modify should be significantly reduced.

And the Rest

There's a few things which are technically part of service hardening which won't really consider for the experiment:

The main one is additional rules in the firewall to block network services or requests being made from a service. This is arguably more to prevent remote compromise than it is to prevent cross-service attacks. 

Another is Session 0 Isolation and System Integrity Level. Session 0 Isolation was introduced to prevent Shatter Attacks, by preventing any windows being created by a service on the same desktop as a normal user. System Integrity Level through UIPI then prevents attacks even if the service did create a window on a normal user desktop as it'd be at a much higher IL (even than Administrators). The System IL does admittedly also have a security access check function but it's not that important for cross-service attacks.

Experiment Procedure

On to the experiment itself. Based on the hypothesis I presented earlier the goal is to determine if you can write to resources of one service from another service even though they're the same user. To make this testable I decided on the following procedure:

Step 1: Build an access token for a service which doesn't exist on the system.
Step 2: Enumerate all resources of a specific type which are owned by the token owner and perform an access check using the token.
Step 3: Collate the results based on the type of resource and whether write access was granted.

The reason for choosing to build a token for a non-existent service is it ensures we should only see the resources that could be shared by other services as the same user, not any resources which are actually designed to be accessible by being created by a service. These steps need to be repeated for different access tokens, we'll use the following five:

  • LOCAL SERVICE, Write Restricted
  • NETWORK SERVICE, Write Restricted
  • Control

We'll test both normal service SID and WR versions of the access token to see if it makes much of a difference. One thing to determine is what to use as a control. Ideally the control would be another service account with WSH disabled. However I couldn't find a way to disable WSH entirely to do this test, so instead we need some other control. If our hypothesis holds and WSH is effective we'd expect no resources to be writable, therefore we need to pick a control account where we know this is not true. The easiest is just to use the current logged on user account, it should be able to access almost all its own resources.

What resources do we want to inspect? The obvious type is Process/Thread resources. Getting write access to either of these in another service is probably a trivial to get full system compromise through impersonate. We'd want to get a bigger picture however, it'd be useful to include Files, Registry keys and Named Kernel Objects. These resources might not directly lead to compromise but it does give us a general idea of the maximum impact. 

It's worth noting that the hypothesis made a point to specify writing to the resources of a service which has impersonate privilege from one which does not. However this experimental process will only base the analysis on whether the resource is owned by the service user. This is intentional, it'd be too complex to attribute the resource to a specific service in all cases. However an assumption is made that more services running as a specific user have impersonate privilege than do not, therefore in all probability any resource you can write to is probably owned by one of them. We could verify that assumption if we liked, but I'll probably not.

Finally, a good experiment should be something which can be repeatable and verifiable. To that end I'll provide all the code necessary to perform the steps, written in PowerShell and using my NtObjectManager module. If you want to re-run the experiment you should be able to do so and produce a very similar set of results.

Experiment Procedure Detail

On to specific PowerShell steps to perform the experiment. First off you'll need my NtObjectManager module, specifically at least version 1.1.25 as I've added a few extra commands to simplify the process. You will also need to run all the commands as the SYSTEM user, some command will need it (such as getting access tokens) others benefit for the elevated privileges. From an admin command prompt you can create a SYSTEM PowerShell console using the following command:

Start-Win32ChildProcess -RequiredPrivilege SeTcbPrivilege,SeBackupPrivilege,SeRestorePrivilege,SeDebugPrivilege powershell

This command will find a SYSTEM process to create the new process from which also has, at a minimum, the specified list of privileges. Due to the way the process is created it'll also have full access to the current desktop so you can spawn GUI applications running at system if you need them.

The experiment will be run on a VM of Windows 1909 Enterprise updated to December 2019 from a split-token admin user account. This just ensures the minimum amount of configuration changes and additional software is present. Of course there's going to be variability on the number of services running at any one time, there's not a lot which can be done about that. However it's expected that the result should be same even if the individual resources available are not. If you were concerned you could rerun the experiment on multiple different installs of Windows at different times of day and aggregate the results.

Creating the Access Tokens

We need to create 5 access tokens for the test. Ideally we'd like to create the four service tokens using the exact method used by the SCM. We could register our unknown service and start the service to steal its token. There is also an undocumented RGetServiceProcessToken SCM RPC method in newer versions of Windows 10. However I think creating a service risks some resources being populated with that service's identity which might not be what we really want. Instead we can use LogonUserExExW which is what the SCM uses, with the LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE type to create LS and NS tokens. This will work as long as we have SeTcbPrivilege. We'll then just add the appropriate groups, convert to WR,  and remove privileges as necessary. We can get to the LogonUserExExW API using Get-NtToken. I've wrapped up everything into a function Get-ServiceToken, you can see the full function in the final script. Using this function we can create all the tokens we need using the following commands:

$tokens = @()
$tokens += Get-ServiceToken LocalService FakeService
$tokens += Get-ServiceToken LocalService FakeService -WriteRestricted
$tokens += Get-ServiceToken NetworkService FakeService
$tokens += Get-ServiceToken NetworkService FakeService -WriteRestricted

For the control token we'll get the unmodified session access token for the current desktop. Even though we're running as SYSTEM as we're running on the same desktop we can just use the following command:

$tokens += Get-NtToken -Session -Duplicate

Random note. When calling LogonUserExExW and requesting a service SID as an additional group the call will fail with access denied. However this only happens if the service SID is the first NT Authority SID in the additional groups list. Putting any other NT Authority SID, including our new logon session SID before the service SID makes it work. Looking at the code in LSASRV (possibly the function LsapCheckVirtualAccountRestriction) it looks like the use of a service SID should be restricted to the first process (based on its PID) that used a service SID which would be the SCM. However if another NT Authority SID is placed first the checking loop sets a boolean flag which prevents the loop checking any more SIDs and so the service SID is ignored. I've no idea if this is a bug or not, however as you need TCB privilege to set the additional groups I don't think it's a security issue.

Resource Checking and Result Collation

With the 5 tokens in hand we can progress to assessing accessible resources. The original purpose of my Sandbox Analysis tools was finding accessible resources from a sandbox process, however the same code is capable of finding resources accessible from any access token, including service tokens.

First as way of example lets run checks for process and threads:

$ps = Get-AccessibleProcess -Tokens $tokens `

    -CheckMode ProcessOnly -AllowEmptyAccess

$ts = Get-AccessibleProcess -Tokens $tokens `

    -CheckMode ThreadOnly -AllowEmptyAccess

We can pass a list of tokens to the checking command, this improves performance as we only do the enumeration of resources for every token group then do the access check. Each generated access result has a TokenId property which indicates the unique ID of the token which was used for the check, this allows us to extract the correct results later. We also specify the AllowEmptyAccess option, which will generate a result even if the access check fails and the token has no access to the resource. This will be useful to allow us to assess what resources are owned by the token's owner SID but we were not granted access.

Let's do the rest of the resources:

$os = Get-AccessibleObject \ -Recurse `

    -Tokens $tokens -AllowEmptyAccess

$fs = Get-AccessibleFile -Win32Path "$env:SystemDrive\" `

    -FormatWin32Path -Recurse -Tokens $tokens -AllowEmptyAccess

$ks = Get-AccessibleKey \Registry -FormatWin32Path -Recurse `

    -Tokens $tokens -AllowEmptyAccess

We'll only get the accessible files on the system drive in this case as that'll be the only drive in the VM. Note that Get-AccessibleObject doesn't check ALPC ports, it's not possible to open an ALPC port by name and read its security descriptor. We'll ignore ALPC ports for this experiment, as it's probably worthy of a topic all on its own.

We now have all the results we need in five variables along with the tokens. If you want to run it yourself the final script is on Github here. It'll take a fair amount of time to run but once it's complete you'll find 5 CSV files in the current directory containing the results for each token.

Experiment Results

We now need to do our basic analysis of the results. Let's start with calculating the percentage of writable resources for each token type relative to the total number of resources. From my single experiment run I got the following table:

TokenWritableWritable (WR)Total
Network Service65.00%0.00%300
Local Service62.89%0.70%574

As we expected the control token had almost 100% of the owned resources writable by the user.  However for the two service accounts both had over 60% of their owned resources writable when using an unrestricted token. That level is almost completely eliminated when using a WR token, there were no writable resources for NS and only 4 resources writable from LS, which was less than 1%. Those 4 resources were just Events, from a service perspective not very exciting though there were ACL'ed to everyone which is unusual.

Just based on these numbers alone it would seem that WSH really is a failure when used unrestricted but is probably fine when used in WR mode. It'd be interesting to dig into what types are writable in the unrestricted mode to get a better understanding of where WSH is failing. This is what I've summarized in the following table:

TypeLS Writable%LS WritableNS Writable%NS Writable

The clear winners, if there is such a thing is Files and Registry Keys taking up over 95% of the resources which are writable. Based on what we know about how WSH works this is understandable. The likelihood is any keys/files are getting their security through inheritance from the parent container. This will typically result in at least the owner field being the service account granted WRITE_DAC access, or the inherited DACL will contain an OWNER CREATOR SID which results an explicit access for the service account.

What is perhaps more interesting is the results for Processes and Threads, neither NS or LS have any writable threads and only LS has a single writable process. This primary reason for the lack of writable threads and processes is due to the default DACL which is used for new processes when an explicit DACL isn't specified. The DACL has a OWNER RIGHTS SID granted only READ_CONTROL access, the result is that even if the owner of the resource is the service account it isn't possible to write to it. The only way to get full access as per the default DACL is by having the specific service SID in your group list.

Why does LS have one writable process? This I think is probably a "bug" in the Audio Service which creates the AUDIODG process. If we look at the security descriptor of the AUDIODG process we see the following:


 - Type  : Allowed
 - Name  : NT SERVICE\Audiosrv
 - Access: Full Access

 - Type  : Allowed
 - Name  : NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
 - Access: QueryLimitedInformation

The owner is LS which will grant WRITE_DAC access to the resource if nothing else is in the DACL to stop it. However the default DACL's OWNER RIGHTS SID is missing from the DACL, which means this was probably set explicitly by the Audio Service to grant Authenticated Users query access. This results in the access not being correctly restricted from other service accounts. Of course AUDIODG has SeImpersonatePrivilege so if you find yourself inside a LS unrestricted process with no impersonate privilege you can open AUDIODG (if running) for WRITE_DAC, change the DACL to grant full access and get back impersonate privileges.

If you look at the results one other odd thing you'll notice is that while there are readable threads there are no readable processes, what's going on? If we look at a normal LS service process' security descriptor we see the following:

 - Name  : NT AUTHORITY\LogonSessionId_0_202349

 - Type  : Allowed
 - Name  : NT AUTHORITY\LogonSessionId_0_202349
 - Access: Full Access

 - Type  : Allowed
 - Name  : BUILTIN\Administrators
 - Access: QueryInformation|QueryLimitedInformation

We should be able to see the reason, the owner is not LS, but instead the logon session SID which is unique per-service. This blocks other LS processes from having any access rights by default. Then the DACL only grants full access to the logon session SID, even administrators are apparently not the be trusted (though they can typically just bypass this using SeDebugPrivilege). This security descriptor is almost certainly set explicitly by the SCM when creating the process.

Is there anything else interesting in writable resources outside of the files and keys? The one interesting result shared between NS and LS is a single writable Object Directory. We can take a look at the results to find out what directories these are, to see if they share any common purpose. The directory paths are \Sessions\0\DosDevices\00000000-000003e4 for NS and \Sessions\0\DosDevices\00000000-000003e5 for LS. These are the service account's DOS Device directory, the default location to start looking up drive mappings. As the accounts can write to their respective directory this gives another angle of attack, you can compromise any service process running as the same used by dropping a mapping for the C: drive and waiting the process to load a DLL. Leaving that angle open seems sloppy, but it's not like there are no alternative routes to compromise another service.

I think that's the limit of my interest in analysis. I've put my results up on Google Drive here if you want to play around yourself.


Even though I've not run the experiment on multiple machines, at different times with different software I think I can conclude that WSH does not provide any meaningful security boundary when used in its default unrestricted mode. Based on the original hypothesis we can clearly write to resources not created by a service and therefore could likely fully compromise the system. The implementation does do a good job of securing process and thread resources which provide trivial elevation routes but that can be easily compromised if there's appropriate processes running (including some COM services). I can fully support this not being something MS would want to defend through issuing bulletins.

However when used in WR mode WSH is much more comprehensive. I'd argue that as long as a service doesn't have impersonate privilege then it's effectively sandboxed if running in with a WR token. MS already support sandbox escapes as a defended boundary so I'm not sure why WR sandboxes shouldn't also be included as part of that. For example if the trick using the Task Scheduler worked from a WR service I'd see that as circumventing a security boundary, however I don't work in MSRC so I have no influence on what is or is not fixed.

Of course in an ideal world you wouldn't use shared accounts at all. Versions of Windows since 7 have support for Virtual Service Accounts where the service user is the service SID rather than a standard service account and the SCM even limits the service's IL to High rather than System. Of course by default these accounts still have impersonate privilege, however you could also remove that.

文章来源: https://www.tiraniddo.dev/2020/01/empirically-assessing-windows-service.html