CredNinja – Test Credential Validity of Dumped Credentials or Hashes
2022-1-5 17:55:56 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:13 收藏

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                    v2.3 (Built 1/26/2018) - Chris King (@raikiasec)

                         For help: ./ -h

usage: -a accounts_to_test.txt -s systems_to_test.txt

                    [-t THREADS] [--ntlm] [--valid] [--invalid] [-o OUTPUT]

                    [-p PASSDELIMITER] [--delay SECONDS %JITTER]

                    [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--stripe] [--scan]

                    [--scan-timeout SCAN_TIMEOUT] [-h] [--no-color] [--os]

                    [--domain] [--users] [--users-time USERS_TIME]

Quickly check the validity of multiple user credentials across multiple

servers and be notified if that user has local administrator rights on each


Required Arguments:

  -a accounts_to_test.txt, --accounts accounts_to_test.txt

                        A word or file of user credentials to test. Usernames

                        are accepted in the form of "DOMAIN\USERNAME:PASSWORD"

  -s systems_to_test.txt, --servers systems_to_test.txt

                        A word or file of servers to test against. This can

be a single system, a filename containing a list of

systems, a gnmap file, or IP addresses in cidr notation.

Each credential will be tested against each of these

                        servers by attempting to browse C$ via SMB

Optional Arguments:

  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS

                        Number of threads to use. Defaults to 10

  --ntlm                Treat the passwords as NTLM hashes and attempt to


  --valid               Only print valid/local admin credentials

  --invalid             Only print invalid credentials

  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT

                        Print results to a file


                        Change the delimiter between the account username and

                        password. Defaults to ":"


                        Delay each request per thread by specified seconds

                        with jitter (example: --delay 20 10, 20 second delay

                        with 10% jitter)

  --timeout TIMEOUT     Amount of seconds wait for data before timing out.

                        Default is 15 seconds

  --stripe              Only test one credential on one host to avoid spamming

                        a single system with multiple login attempts (used to

                        check validity of credentials). This will randomly

                        select hosts from the provided host file.

  --scan                Perform a quick check to see port 445 is available on

                        the host before queueing it up to be processed

  --scan-timeout SCAN_TIMEOUT

                        Sets the timeout for the scan specified by --scan

                        argument. Default of 2 seconds

  -h, --help            Get help about this script's usage

  --no-color            Turns off output color. Written file is always


Additional Information Retrieval:

  --os                  Display the OS of the system if available (no extra

                        request is being sent)

  --domain              Display the primary domain of the system if available

                        (no extra request is being sent)

  --users               List the users that have logged in to the system in

                        the last 6 months (requires LOCAL ADMIN). Returns

                        usernames with the number of days since their home

                        directory was changed. This sends one extra request to

                        each host

  --users-time USERS_TIME

                        Modifies --users to search for users that have logged

                        in within the last supplied amount of days (default

                        100 days)
